Putin and his military personnel on vacation in Donbass

in #politics4 years ago

Russian President Putin has repeatedly stated that there are no Russian troops in the Donbass, and volunteers from Russia and vacationers-soldiers of the Russian army are taking part in the hostilities against the Ukrainian security forces. Here we will dwell on the latter and evaluate.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, if a serviceman wants to spend a vacation abroad, he must indicate in the vacation report the country of vacation, the period and exact address of stay abroad, the composition of the family (not necessarily if the soldier is single or traveling alone), and then submit a report to review by command. In addition, the decision of the commander to grant his subordinate the right to rest abroad must be coordinated with the Federal Security Service of Russia.

That is, vacationers fighting in the Donbass indicated in their reports the country, region, city and duration of the vacation and received approval from the higher command and the Federal Security Service. Thus, it turns out that the Ministry of Defense of Russia and the Federal Security Service do not interfere with this kind of vacation for Russian military personnel. Well, what's wrong? Russia is a free country, and its citizens, including military personnel, are free to spend vacations wherever and as they wish.

All this is good, but what if a vacationer is injured or killed? Everyone who served in the army knows that non-combat losses, to put it mildly, in the army are not encouraged. But a wounded or killed vacationer is a real non-combat loss. After all, he did not become wounded or killed while defending his homeland, not while performing a mission to defend and defend Russia. The wounded man has a temporary health disorder (disability is not excluded), the killed man has neither life nor health. And for this, the commander of a unit, subunit and other involved persons, commanders of higher rank are seriously punished. And it is right.

A Russian serviceman went on vacation to Donbass, and a Ukrainian soldier killed or wounded him.
Who are the vacationers? They are contract soldiers and sergeants, warrant officers, officers and generals. And what is a contract soldier? This is a well-trained specialist, for whom military service is his bread, this is his profession, in which he is constantly improving. After all, the loss of a great sniper, mechanic driver, machine gunner, gunner, squad leader is a significant loss for any unit.

And the officer? This is generally a valuable person. It takes 4-5 years to study his, spend a lot of money on his training, maintenance, use of the material and technical base, and so on. And as a result, get a platoon commander, deputy company commander, company commander, deputy battalion commander, chief of battalion staff, battalion commander wounded or killed? So after all, you will not put every wounded person in line after healing, it is problematic to stand there on one leg ... There is sabotage and undermining the combat readiness of the Russian armed forces.

In general, the Russian military authorities should have sounded the alarm a long time ago about the irrational spending of holidays by military personnel. And the minister of defense had to report to the president even about one such fact. And the president, as the supreme commander in chief and the first person interested in maintaining a high level of combat readiness of the armed forces, had to take all possible tough measures to preserve the most important military resource - trained personnel.

Well, if vacationers of the Russian armed forces freely go on vacation to Donbass for thrills, then something else is here, namely, the organization, support and encouragement of such voyages at the state level.