Kavanaugh's Elephant in the Room

in #politics6 years ago


By Hope K

Ever get that sick feeling in your gut when a sudden and awful epiphany washes over you? Well, that was me the day I read that Vince Foster committed suicide.

Growing up in Arkansas, I had heard all kinds of scandalous stories about the Clintons. I chalked them up to gossip mostly. They couldn’t really be that bad, could they? But on a July day in 1993, it occurred to me that maybe they really could be. Not only that, but they weren’t in Arkansas anymore. They had gone global.

I don’t pretend to know what happened to Vince Foster. However, I can say the official story stinks as bad as rotten catfish.

So when I heard that Donald Trump had nominated Brett Kavanaugh for Supreme Court Justice, I was a little bit shocked. After all, Kavanaugh had led the Vince Foster investigation that came up with the suicide conclusion. Who would trust that guy?

Then a woman named Christine Blasey Ford came forward and accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her when they were teenagers. I don’t know whether he did it or not, and as far as I can tell so far, it’s her word against his.

Apparently, Blasey’s research on using the abortion pill for the treatment of psychotic depression was published a few years ago, which is kind of strange. And speaking of abortion pills, Hillary and the Democrats are worried that Kavanaugh might take them away:


Seems to me like her alarm bells should be setting off because he worked for Ken Starr, but we don’t seem to be talking about that for some reason.

Anyway, unless I get more evidence that Kavanaugh is a rapist or that he is truly intent on taking away birth control, I’m more concerned about him being a cover-upper.

How come Trump isn’t?

He did tell the Washington Post two years ago that “whether it’s Whitewater or whether it’s Vince or whether it’s Benghazi, it’s always a mess with Hillary.” So it’s not like he doesn’t know.

“Know what?” you might be asking if you’re not familiar with the Vince Foster case. After all, it was investigated for a long time, and the official story is that he definitely committed suicide.

Well, it’s not that simple, I think. If you look into the crime scene reports, witness testimony, and the Starr Report itself, there are startling inconsistencies and allegations (even by one of the investigators) of corruption and cover up.

Vince Foster was a childhood friend of Bill Clinton’s, and he followed Bill and Hillary to the White House to become Deputy White House Counsel. It’s probable that Foster knew a lot of secrets about the couple, and rumors spread that Hillary was having an affair with him. There’s no proof of that, but when Foster’s clothes were examined, carpet fibers and blonde hair were found. There’s no indication that anyone tried to identify who the hair came from.

There are other strange things about the investigation and reports. One of the witnesses stated that he did not see Foster’s silver car at the crime scene. He saw an older brown car. The witness was incredulous when he read the report and saw that it said he did see Foster’s car. After he alerted the Starr team, he said he started getting followed and harassed.

The bullet that Foster supposedly used was never found, his fingerprints were not on the gun, and there’s no positive proof that the gun used was his own, which the press reported as if it were fact.

There were also oddities about the suicide note. Experts have said it looked forged, and Hillary was behind the report of it being delayed for many hours.

Ken Starr’s investigator in January of 1995, Miguel Rodriguez, left his position. It’s very clear in his resignation letter that he had serious doubts that Foster committed suicide where he was found in Ft. Marcy Park that July afternoon, and the Starr team wasn’t supporting him in his investigations.

The next lead investigator with the Starr team was Brett Kavanaugh, and he co-authored the final report.

I’m not sure whatever happened to Miguel Rodriguez, but Brett Kavanaugh is probably going to be the next Supreme Court Justice.

His history with regard to the Starr Report has me concerned. I don’t know why more people aren’t discussing this.

It feels like there’s an elephant in the room.