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RE: Steemit Exclusive: Why I Currently Believe Trump Will Win in 2020

in #politics7 years ago

This is not an impossible scenario, I hope it doesn't happen like that. Right now, many people are on a 'Trump high', especially next tax season when the returns are going to be big. Money is always a huge motivator. It's likely that the economy will continue to improve for a few years, which will put the FED in more and more of a pinch. They may get desperate and initiate another depression, like they did back in th '30's, hoping to get another FDR (socialist) type in office, like you said.

For now, we are seeing the backlash of 8 years of Obama and it looks as if even the Democrats have determined someone among them is going to have to be the scapegoat. They're already putting Comey under the bus, who will be next? When the swamp is drained, we're going to find a lot of bodies. Not political enemies, but children. That is when the outrage will really begin. We're already finding out that political corruption is not just the mismanagement of money, but very wicked immoral criminal behavior that will be shocking to the average American. This is happening in both parties, but one of the hubs is the Clinton Foundation.

I'm shocked that the "Schiff" scenario hasn't already happened. I don't know how long the current situation can be maintained. @ironshield