Judging Kavanaugh

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

I didn't want to write about this subject until I could make this essay more universal than a commentary on just the news of the day. While the Steemit ecosystem has been in turmoil over a code fork, the political pundits and partisan hacks have all been in a knot about Donald Trump's appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, and they have all been missing the real problem. My news and social media feeds are divided along party lines on this matter. I think it's an issue where people are using sensationalism to avoid substance, so I hope I can adequately explain my perspective here at last.

Don't misunderstand me. Allegations of sexual misconduct are a serious matter. If true, they indicate a deep character flaw in Kavanaugh and a disrespect for the basic rights of others that should concern everyone. If false, the accusers are seeking to try a man in the court of public opinion when an honest court can't serve their purpose.

However, even if those accusations are false, Kavanaugh still shows disrespect for the basic rights of others in more ways that should still concern everyone, and the court system he represents already is mired in dishonesty and abuse.

Not pictured: the black unisex muumuu. Image credit

Brett Kavanaugh wants to be a Supreme Court Judge. This means he wants even more power than he already has to interpret and impose the arbitrary laws the government enacts. He has endorsed some of the most blatant violations of liberty by government in his wholehearted support for government interests when they conflict with individual rights.

Of course, the movers and shakers in politics and the media don't dare explore the real issues surrounding his record as a circuit court judge or the philosophical flaws behind having nine people in black dresses with little hammers claiming the authority to dictate what is "the law." That would mean questioning the legitimacy of the government's usurped authority and exposing the hypocrisy of both parties as their rhetorical shrouds get ripped away and their corruption is exposed.

No, we need to only worry about what he did in high school and college according to unsubstantiated accusations. It's salacious, and it's a suitable distraction from the real issues at hand when it comes to anything political. Never mind how every government officials molests us all in innumerable ways every day, pillaging and murdering innocents in the name of Lady Justice. Whether Kavanaugh raped women in the 1980s or not, he has certainly violated the principles he would claim to uphold as an "arbiter of justice," and means to continue doing the same. So do all our other self-professed rulers.

The first victim of every government. Image credit

Every government thug needs to articulate the principles that guide their decisions in resolving conflicts between the individual and the government. What defines a "right," what reasoning is used to resolve conflicting claims, and who has the burden of proof when state and individual collide? None of them dare answer honestly, and that speaks louder than words.


Well said! Politics ruin many parts of society including the notion of liberty. We are meant to one arbiter of justice over another because that one aligns more with our political views rather than asking whether these arbiters of justice are willing and able to protect personal liberties and rights.

little black dresses with hammers 😂 😂 😂 😂 gave me a good laugh

At least they wear big muumuus instead of little black dresses!

everytime I hear mumu 😂