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RE: WRONG THINK | Sargon Of Akkad and Stefan Molyneux

in #politics7 years ago

Sargon has never uttered a single word of "wrong think." He's never pushed a single button that the system forbids you to push. Sargon is in full support of absolutely everything the establishment wants. You can make fun of deranged feminists within that, you know. He's so milquetoast that I suspect he uploaded a Prince album to YouTube to get his channel banned as a way to avoid debating any more alt right figures.

Stefan has certainly flirted pretty hard with the line. He definitely leads people to some absolutely forbidden doors.


Sargon does offer some insight that is interesting to say the least even if it is not allegedly against globalism. However, Sargon is at least open to talk about stuff a bit more than SJWs. And that is refreshing to say the least. It is a step towards the right direction.