I'm sick of surveillance, Are you?

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


A few years back our small town decided to put up the first camera at the traffic light. This pushed me over the edge. I made the silk screen for this sit in at the town hall. We got a lot of people to wear the tee's. Well, nothing happened and it went up.


I see so many of these damn things and I'm losing my mind.

I thought our troops were fighting for our freedoms, seems we are losing them. Maybe I'm missing the boat on this one. It's not the first time I was wrong 🙄.


Its all bs lol. Privacy seems to be a thing of the past. If we knew about the real technologies in place we would be astounded. Nice shirt :). They gave me like 6 tickets from a camera street light for not coming to a complete stop at stop sign. Well no one does at this one, you have to pull up to see passing cars. Luckily the tickets were thrown out and the camera came down.

And that is why I was feed up with it. Glad they took yours down :)

I live in MD and they are literally everywhere. They have caught some criminals by using them. A lady here had her husband killed and they knew right away she was lying because it was at a business and they pulled all the camera footage from the entire area. She is in jail now. I still feel like it is too much though, like they want to know where people are at all times. I guess I'm a little on the fence with this one but there is a lot of crime where I live. We have helicopters overhead almost every night. We call it the "nightlight". To be honest, I am a bit of a conspiracy person also so ........

You bring up some valid points. But, it kind of reminds me of the movie Enemy of the State.

Gotta fight the patiot act. Police state merica

Nice, should be.. United Police States of Merica's lol

hi icee - nice to you like, see you around
can you check up my blogs
i need full support from you too - please upvote what so ever

no problem. I am rather new on here, wanna be friends?

yes of course pal.

cameras are the second cop in any place is installed
in my opinion - it is a very good thing to have such systems in crowded places where there might be a dangerous actions...
I am with installing cameras ... sorry this against your blog here

friends for ever

I'm quite sure the camera had been installed for security reasons. With growing population and increased traffic basic surveillance is

The town has less than like 2k people. Not a booming town hehe.