Leftists DESTROYED On Gun Control! - Get TRIGGERED!

in #politics7 years ago

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In this video, Dan Dicks of Press For Truth and I hit the streets to quiz people on gun control and see if anyone supports the right to self defense.

About 2 people truly support the right to bare arms, but the vast majority did not, or didn't understand the question.
Statistically, places with more guns have less crime. That's according to the FBI, NSC and countless other studies produced over the past 40+ years.

Following what recently happened in Las Vegas, people are easily emotional about the issue and then equate it to Trump. Trump is literally the worst to most of these people but they have no problem giving up their guns to him. It seems rather alarming. People are concerned about gun violence but not violence in general which there is less of when there are guns nearby.

People seem to only be okay with bad guys and government (usually synonymous) having guns.

One SJW got incredibly triggered when challenged on the issue.

We have a lot of work to do. This is just yet another example. It's amazing we're capable of keeping our calm while talking to these people.

See the FULL video report here:

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People that aren't able to think, wrongly assume, that if we make guns illegal, everything would be fine. That is very much not the case. Personally, if I wanted to cause harm to A LOT of people, guns would absolutely not be my weapon of choice.

If we're gonna let liberals have their way, we'd better plan on outlawing box-cutters, sewing needles, trucks, mean stuff, teddy bears, the boogeyman, star dust, unicorns, and everything else they can dream up.

Insanity has no limitations.

Very true. Plus they are the ones that tend to go authoritarian.

Yes, and now we see groups like AntiFa that believes they have some right to beat people with clubs, and spray them with pepper spray because they dare to have a different opinion, or choose to exercise their right to free speech. That stuff doesn't fly where I live, and never will. Of course they know better than to try it also.

It's not like that here in Texas but when get armies of Soros paid activists traveling to protest high profile events is usually when you see it. These are mercenaries most of which are hard core communists that want to rule by force.

Yeah, I've seen the ads that pop-up on Craigslist when a certain event is happening, advertising for "paid demonstrators." I think it should more accurately call them, "paid losers." Unemployed idiots, that will do anything for Heroin money.

You guys are the best. I am looking forward to watching the both of you in this video. Thanks Josh and keep up the great work! You and Dan are making a difference.

Thanks! I appreciate it! :)

These people are delusional. The sheer stupidity displayed by them made me turn the video off after about 4 minutes. I couldnt take it anymore.

lol I don't blame you, I had to deal with them in person. But later on in the video we hand them their asses on a platter. :P

Either we have the right to defend ourselves or we are slaves, there is nothing between.

I couldn't finish the video. If other people in other countries don't want guns, good, walk around with your good intentions to defend yourself. I agree 100% that if we were all kind towards one another the world would have peace and we finally (in the words of Rodney King) "all just get along."

It shows how naive people are. The girl at 14:00 said that if everyone was just kind to each other you wouldn't guns. Josh was nice but it makes you want to shake your head and say but don't you realize there are always going to be evil people.

I know, and if everyone in the world would just give me one dollar, I would be a multi billionaire...but I don't think that will happen.

@joshsigurdson Your post is very interesting for many people, just wait, they will show attention to your post, you have made many people jealous.

The girl with the girly-man knew her 'boyfriend' was an idiot. You could see her smile every time he tried to make his delusional points.

Yeah, let's make guns illegal, worked GREAT with drugs!!

You are true
This is a major concern in almost all countries

You can tell that most of these people are brainwashed to be afraid of guns because they don't understand issues or even how guns work. Anybody that knows anything about guns know that the rate of fire at Las Vegas had nothing to do with bump stock. But they heard it on TV so they just repeat what they hear.

The guy at 10:19 was talking killing President Trump but he doesn't think anyone should have guns. People that say they are going to shoot someone like that shouldn't have a gun. But you know criminals will always find a way to get guns.