Simple politics - Sort out your spinning head

in #politics7 years ago

Away, go back, to the house, where the past, in the mountains, to the snow, washing away the past.

Thoughts are not simple. They cannot be expressed in words. The human mind registers the environment so clearly, you would need chapters, to show what it processes in just one second.

But still we value clearness and simplicity in our communication. Someone who tells you in all the details why he is sad about the end of his relationship is met with *"you will find someone new" *.
The bad is neglected in our communication. People talk hours about the weather, but if you introduce a related complex topic (like chaos theory), somehow the talk is interrupted.

Is this why people follow populists?

Populists were, in ancient Rome, politicians who used the people (lat. populi) to rise to power. The term has this negative connotation as history is written by winners and not the populists, but the optimists win.

Today we see the rise of simple answers in politics. The police cannot investigate instant messaging because of encryption? Make encryption illegal. (For more see the 34c3 talk #WTFrance)

There are refugees we have to integrate in our culture. Abolish Asyl.

Rethoric like this has rissen in the last decade. Maybe it has to do with the short attention span we gave these days, I don't know.

What's the solution?

Let's first make the following assumption:
It is not important what a politician says. Only his actions count.

Therefore a politician may use this simple
rethoric. But his actions must be based upon more complex thoughts. This is what I hope for in the future:
Politicians that mastered the art of summarizing complex problems, solutions and ideas in simple terms, but that base their political actions non the less upon the complex counterparts.
It's like with complex numbers. You talk about 6+4i and say 6. But you never forget there are still 4i to handle.
