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RE: Oh no, I missed "Voter Registration Day"! How ever will I force others to behave the way I want?

in #politics6 years ago

I certainly had that sense from my interactions with you :-)

Knowing SO many people who had this innate knowing but had so much difficulty fully stepping into it because of their parenting & school is part of why I am so excited to have kids of my own, as well as helping raise the rest of the kids in the village. Skip the 20 years of ridiculous programming and let the natural intuition be supported & strengthened!

I don't know how so many people fall for this BS.

Something I've noticed is that SO MANY people actively know that this stuff is BS, and are generally pissed off about it and don't want to add to it... yet don't see any alternatives. This is why so much of the message I present to people focuses on the ways to operate outside the system, to create alternative systems, and generally trying to empower people rather than giving them more information about the fucked up system. Knowing the problem and not knowing any way to solve it is often more dis-empowering I've found.

Love the Bergson quote, thank you for that!