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RE: ADSactly World - Losing Freedom: Venezuela, Before the Storm

in #politics6 years ago

The USA is never prepared to accept that the people of south America have the right to elect and re-elect a left wing govt.

You mean like the decade long Kirchner administrations in Argentina, the decade long Lula-Rousseff administrations in Brasil, the decade long Correa administration in Ecuador, the decade long Morales administration in Bolivia, the decade long Frente Amplio administration in Uruguay, as well as the governments of Socialist Chilean president Michelle Bachelet, the Daniel Ortega government in Nicaragua, the Farabundo Martí governments in El Salvador?

All these left wing governments have been elected (and frequently, as you can see, re-elected) in the past 15 years, but you say that the US were and are not "prepared to accept it"? What does that mean, more precisely?


The U.S. topples democratically elected governments, when it doesn't suit them and installs their fascist puppets whenever they please, as evident throughout the 20th century, or more recently in Honduras. The current opposition to Maduro in Venezuela is also lead by U.S. backed fascists of the worst kind. Those governments you mention in large part have no resemblance of democratic socialist administrations, but are lackies of corporate America. Look at Nicaragua right now. The spirit of the Nicaraguan revolution has long died away, Ortega established as autocrat solely protects the interest of international capital and doesn't shy away from slaughtering his own people. I'm not endorsing the Maduro govt. in Venezuela btw, but the U.S. needs to stop intervening where it doesn't belong and focus on the endless list of problems within its own borders.

The CIA does that stuff all over the world all the time. Look up how many countries we are acknowledged to be in. It's always much more than they tell us as I'm sure you all know.

All those South American left movements that you named, were and are a cancer, economic and spiritual.

This actually makes no sense. The regimes actually make "elections" which are FAKE. I'm Venezuelan, and here in my country the elections will happen on Sunday, and most people just don't want to vote, because despite the big majority of the population hates the regime, they ALWAYS win. This always happens in dictatorial countries, because they have control over everything including the military.

This Sunday, there are going to be elections, and all of the candidates are people from the government. Is that very "democratic" for you?

I would say more, but my broken English is not helping...

Not to mention the US government sponsored murder of President Salvador Allende of Chile in 1973. The CIA loves to prop up murderous right-wing dictators around the world, but as soon as the people choose a left-wing leader, its time for another "color" revolution...

Allende was killing the people with hunger.

What are you going to know? Come to Venezuela to see if you can tolerate 3 days.