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RE: Mass Camera Surveillance Can Take Down Statism - NUTS! CRAZY! Or is it?

in #politics7 years ago

Just imagine if this was the case on 9/11, How all that brainwashing would have been wasted from the first moment. We all would have live feeds from thousands of different cameras and angles as it all went down.

Exactly! Hehe.

Yeah, all public jobs should be monitored. The more power, the more monitoring. Watch how long we tolerate their lazy asses lol. So many useless jobs and waste of money out there.


Exactly, the attrition would be so fast their heads would spin LOL

I also had a Meme Dream.... !

Life is Good

ah stupendous fascinating dream there :)

We would also see the people working their asses off too, and make sure they are paid right :-)
There are a few LOL