The Age Of Supersensitivity

in #politics7 years ago

Times change and sometimes attitudes about our culture change as well. It seems though that as time progresses our culture is becoming more and more sensitive and along with this, more and more blind to double standards. We are so absorbed in out our little devices that we miss the big picture. Our entire lives are controlled by a few news pieces and/or media conglomerates that make us do shit that is both embarrassing and ridiculous.

Sure, people were always sensitive about different things, whether that was the way people saw their women, their country, status or anything else in between. Nevertheless, this is the first time in history the average Joe can get someone locked up based on assumptions about a specific linguistic vocabulary that has to do with their person. In other words, the age of supersensitivity is defined by the way we weaponise language into a tool for the suppression of freedom. In the past only a few nobles were allowed to do this and specifically in order to protect status and economic interests. In other words, it was more or less contained to a few assholes. Among friends people could insult, get offended and work it out. Today on the other hand, it has become a political weapon with everyone waiting to pull the trigger.

If someone examines how individuals on social media — or worse — how they are expected to behave, it will remind them a dystopia blending of George Orwell's 1984 and the Lord of The flies. The protagonists of this farce are of course individuals that have no clue their position in the game.

You might have observed how I packed this post with memes in order to give out clues about the ridiculousness of the situation. I have addressed racism, feminism and everything "progressive" in plenty of my previous posts and see no reason to include them in this post although they are highly relevant. This post works in a rather "binding" way, bringing all of them together under a rather peaceful rant.

For those who look this situation as hopeless, fear not. You could assimilate and become politically correct repeating all the nonsense you see around you or you could opt out from the whole thing. Ofcourse, that would mean that you are to give up all of your social media privileges and rather choose to inhabit "next world" places like Steemit. Not many are willing to leave behind the cancer that ironically eats them alive. All their "friends" are becoming one and for the sake of socialization we choose to sacrifice a bit of ourselves. Hey, this is all for our sanity.

Until it is not. Until every single thing we communicate becomes a facade for larger interests, well beyond our control and what happens then? What happens when we have powered the system with so much PC that it ends up imprisoning our very identity? What becomes to a world of globalised interests where every single aspect of individuality is stripped apart for the sake of acceptance?

The answer to this lies in the herds of chickens, goats or any other animal we take for granted when we witness it in great numbers. We stop caring about the quality of the individual. Everyone becomes extendable, a number that is no different than any other. And there you have it, we have come full circle. What could be a simple argument, a fight that could enrich 2 individuals becomes an enabler for slavery and submission — utilised ultimately by us, the vast majority. The glorious democratic will. Just like that we fasten the chains onto our own ankles.

There are people who chose to opt out for the sake of their sanity. I don't blame them, I am one of them. You might be called old fashioned and this might be true. Maybe this is where humanity is ultimately headed — in a glorious Borg-like mind where every single aspect is assimilated into a general behaviour that is perfectly accepted by everyone. Whatever might be the case, this marks a very important part in human history, one that will be probably revisited from historians of the future. Whatever it is, I will try to keep my distance and spend my remaining years much more productive

There is no coming back from this clusterfuck. Heck, even with the progression of the blockchain our individuality will become an expendable node in the vast network where everyone is a copy of everyone else. What makes you, YOU afterall. Most of your ideas are taken from tv shows, news and larger interests that you absorb unstoppably and unfiltered. Alienation from each other grows on an exponential rate, getting closed in our games, online profiles, tv characters or even cabins in the middle of nowhere. Perhaps though this is the larger plan of evolution. Perhaps this is what our brain wanted all along. Perhaps we owe to become sacrificial lambs for the sake of creating a single mind that will look back to itself and say "Fuck yeah".


I really enjoyed this article and thought you were right on target


I'm going to say one thing racism is been around for a long time unfortunately we are going through a bad situation in our country. I don't want to get too much into politics but what I see is that the president is breaking us apart with his comments and he's tweeting is being ineffective and running our country . What he just did was insane telling a grieving wife, that her ( husband knew what he was getting in to ) then he has the balls to say he didn't say that . there is so much confusion with this president and we are going in the wrong direction. Would like to hear your comments

If you can't make it through life without getting "triggered", it's you who has the problem not the world. So snowflakes should seek mental help, not force their craziness on others.

Of course, I don't believe they are really "triggered" or "offended" it's about reducing the Overton Window. Like you say in your second paragraph, it used to be the high and mighty that controlled public discourse, but among ourselves we could joke around and talk freely. Now no matter what you say or write, even if it's in no way malicious, some fucker pops up looking to take offence.

Very good your post my friend. Thank for sharing. Success for you @kyriacos

This was an interesting read. I like the way you arranged the memes.

Reading this article is fun i really enjoyed it

Yes, and it is an important matter that is worthy of our discussions.

thank you for sharing the news

The best part of all this for me is when I get called rascist for people who do not know me personally for "non political correct" things I write sometimes ... and I have to make clear that I am like the panda bear, white, black and chinesse because I have from this 3 races but I do not consider myself white, black or chinesse, I just consider myself human being, very simple. Also how you are physically does not tell me much about how you are as a person ...

and there is nothing I hate more than the word "minorities", we are all humans MFs!!! When I hear someone defending a "minority" I always remember this scene of Freaks ...

Got my approval

Wow. So much... YOU in this I feel when I am reading it. I am sure that what you're speaking of, the hive-like mentality.... It's definitley something that seems to be attracting humanity like bees to a hive. I don't personally think there's anything wrong with the double standards, it is really the inability of people to call things out as they are. We are so insecure that not only do we create a culture that becomes overly sensitive, we create a culture of people that avoid pointing out that TRU TRU when they sense it. That someone is bullshitting or what have you. LOL, have you ever seen cloud atlas? If you haven't I'd recommend it. Great post. Definitley looking forward to hearing more from you.