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RE: UBI: Unemployed funding the 1%

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

I look at the UBI in a different way.
While the tests they are running now seem promising (as not everyone is getting it yet), I cannot see it working once rolled out to the entire populous.

The reason for this is, if everyone now has more money, prices will simply rise because people can afford to pay more. I think this is even taught in economics classes although its been a long time since I did any of that.

What does this mean? Simply that corporations ultimately benefit as more profit is made and we are back at square one, but with everything more expensive. We are then totally beholden to the government who can 'switch it off' at any time to those who won't conform .

Also, forget about living 'off the grid' because you would have to accept the UBI mark or pay much more for everything as its all gone up in price.

The other possible issue is all countries having to maintain a similar level of UBI. If one country is seen to have a better ratio, people might want to move there instead. This will therefore pave the way for a universal money system (banking system) and a 'new world order'.

Maybe this is all my conspiratorial hat speaking, but I feel a 'long con' being played here. You don't get something from government for nothing.


No you don't get something for nothing. I have written an article about 8 months ago called 'A somewhat dystopian view of UBI' but search isn't finding it. You might enjoy that one more ;)