US Supreme Court on Congressional Treason - Brunson v Adams

in #politics2 years ago (edited)

US Supreme Court on Congressional Treason - Brunson v Adams

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US Supreme Court on Congressional Treason - Brunson v Adams

US Supreme Court on Congressional Treason - Brunson v Adams

I’ll give a summary and backstory below.
To start, I encourage you to view two source documents.

1 Link to official .gov site for US Supreme Court for case document pdf on the docket

2 The timeline with updates

Next, I want to thank D’Coda for bringing this situation to my awareness.


The US Supreme Court has taken up a case out of Utah to remove 385 members of Congress for treason for refusing to examine the many claims of a stolen 2020 election. The Supreme Court put this case on the docket for review. Normally they wouldn’t even look at a case like this because it’s too volatile. However, there are rumors of plans by the current lame duck Congress to push through legislation to marginalize the Supreme Court. Speculating why the Supreme Court took this case, it may be to take a preemptive move against an out of control, treasonous Congress.



Prior to the January 6, 2021, vote to certify the electors from the various states, 100 members of Congress raised valid concerns that there was malfeasance about the way the election was conducted and that it warranted investigation. In such a situation, the law requires a ten day pause in review of the data related to the election. Thus, Congress was legally required to pause and review the material before proceeding with a vote certifying the election. It is alleged that Congress violated this legal requirement. One implication is that this action violated their oaths of office.

Another implication is that such a disruption of government is technically considered to be an act of war. Any attempt to subvert an election and steal the vote of the people to put persons in office through a fraudulent vote is considered to be treason. Stealing the vote is considered to be an act of war because it places enemy occupying forces representing that enemy into positions of power within the US government.

Allegedly, Congress voted to not pause for ten days and to not investigate. This is itself a crime.
Congress failed to protect the US Constitution and the US people. This violates their oaths of office.
There are dramatic consequences and implications.

There are 388 defendants listed in this case, including 385 members of Congress. There are a total of 535 members of the US Congress. That leaves 150 members of Congress not listed.

Sept 12, 2018, Executive Order 13848 Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election. Director Radcliff of Homeland Security National Intelligence said there was Chinese interference in the 2020 election. There was disagreement among the various intelligence heads over how much weight to give the consequences of that interference, so they didn’t provide the report to Trump within the required 45 days, which was due on Dec. 18 2020. When Congress voted on Jan 6, they voted without the benefit of any information from the Homeland Security Intelligence gathering operations. They voted in a vacuum and didn’t want to hear that information, but they had the responsibility to hear that information and look for any foreign interference, yet refused to do so and thus put America in a security crisis.


After the mid-term election on 8 Nov 2022, we have a lame duck Congress for the next couple months into January 2023. Historically, lame duck Congresses have many times passed reprehensible legislation which hurts the US people and the US republic. Apparently the representatives and senators who will soon leave office use this opportunity to do things which they would not do prior to an election for fear that they will lose the election. The lame duck members of Congress no longer have this fear to bridle their dark side. There are rumors of plans by the current lame duck Congress to push through legislation to marginalize the US Supreme Court.


The US Supreme Court typically receives about 5000-8000 requests each year for cases. From those, they select about 150-200 cases. If there is a topic that they don’t want to address or an appeal from a lower court decision that they want to leave as it is, the only thing that the Supreme Court needs to do is to ignore that case. Normally they wouldn’t even look at a case like this because it’s too volatile. Yet, for some reason, the Supreme Court selected this case. So this case made it over a major hurdle, to be selected as one of 200 out of 5000. Not only that, but it was selected despite a history of ignoring similar cases. This is highly unusual. This begs the question as to why. Speculating why the Supreme Court took this case, it may be to take a preemptive move against an out of control, treasonous Congress. If t the Supreme Court acts in this way, it may doing so to protect the separation of powers outlined in the US Constitution, thus protecting the US people. It is also possible that the Supreme Court will take this action simply out of self-preservation.


Again, please look at the pdf on the Supreme Court docket of the website.
The case is RALAND J BRUNSON, Petitioner, v. ALMA S. ADAMS, et, al., Respondents.
Shortened, the cases is Brunson v Adams.
The pdf has 18 pages.
On page 3 of the pdf with ii at the top, a list begins of the 388 defendants, including 385 members of the US Congress.
On page 12 of the pdf with 3 at the top, there is a statement of the case which is written in fairly plain English, fairly easy to grasp, with very strong, compelling ideas.


Again, please look at the timeline yourself.
There were two cases filed in Utah. The first case was filed in March 2021 in the Utah Federal Court. That case got hung up in the Federal Court and is still hung up as of Nov 2022. The second case was filed in June 2021 in the Utah 2nd District Court. After diligently overcoming numerous hurdles, the case got SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States) to be reviewed for possible selection. On 24 Oct 2022, it was docketed by SCOTUS. On 30 Nov, 2022, SCOTUS set a conference date, when the 9 Justices will meet to discuss the case.

I encourage you to research this on your own. If you can, ask an attorney for a professional opinion. The two links at the top are a good start, but you can find your own information as well. If you find any useful info which is not included here, please comment.


On a related note, here’s a video from a psychic named Penny Kelly which she recorded on 15 Oct. In the first five minutes, she describes a situation which could be relevant.


The Supreme Court will either have to act decisively or not at all.
From the writ and grasping the political environment, we can reasonably conclude that the requested remedy is to have 388 elected officials forcibly removed from office immediately and taken into custody and tried in a military court system.

If something like this occurs, it will like trigger one of the plans for continuity of government. Scenarios like this have already been planned for by government think-tanks.
This might involve Trump for a bit, maybe until a fair election can be conducted.

From another perspective, can we depend upon one corrupt branch of a corrupt government to save us from another corrupt branch of the same corrupt government?
What can we do? Find your inner strength. Follow your inner guidance. There is something glorious birthing within all of us. All power in heaven and Earth is given unto you. United we stand.