Politics - I will be voting Conservative in June, here's why

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

I'm a British citizen and what's called an Anarcho-Voluntaryist, I have very little in common with the mainstream parties because I am actually quite centrist but one thing I absolutely hate, particularly in this shit hole of a country is the amount of out of touch, rich, middle class and upper class anti-capitalists. This isn't even a generalisation, this is actually what most anti-capitalists are, we've seen when antifa get unmasked and found out who these people really are, we've seen what they've represent and they have been thoroughly infilitrating almost any slightly left leaning group with their utter horseshit, particularly the Labour Party.

Now for those outside the UK who don't know much about British politics, the labour party was once a genuine party of the people, if you believe the older members and voters who are completely disillusioned with them that is. As I remember one person saying who claimed to be a Marxist, if you wanted to talk to your local MP you would go down to the pub. However now they are nothing more than a bunch of rich twats ( Not just well off, extremely rich ) who want to guilt and shame the rest of us into either silence or complete agreement and they just like the Democrats in the U.S particularly love shaming the white working class especially if they dare to have any sort of opinion on immigration.

So that's a bit of background on them, but what about policy? What about the real issues? You're exactly right so here's what I will go through with the Labour Party and Jeremy Corbyn in particular. I hang out at the Anarcho-Capitalist subreddit and some of the people there have nicknamed him "Comrade Corbyn" which I think is entirely appropriate when you look at what he actually bellowed proudly in one of his announcements.


http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-34209478 - Old article but it shows you what sort of a politician he intends to be

As you can see, this isn't just empty rhetoric from my end or some 'right wing propaganda' this guy is full on fucking Socialist. I suspect that if he could get away with it he would run on and even more left wing platform but thankfully I think even here in the UK anti-capitalists aren't exactly loved by everybody. 

The biggest and most disastrous thing for me isn't even his position on nukes, I think there are two things that stick out most for me, the economic policies that he has, well really, they're not economic policies. This guy is like a child with an unlimited credit card, he's going to go an a huge spending spree the moment he gets into office. Then there's the issue of Palestine, now I don't like either of the fuckers, I think the Israel-Palestine situation is a complete mess but I seriously object to the way he is blatantly catering to more extremist Muslims in this country by trying to take sides and demonise Israel. I'm sure quite a few people know this, but there are Muslims out there who are more anti-semitic than the fucking neo-nazis they will of course claim "I just hate Zionists" but like this small time MP called George Galloway, he's playing to the more hardcore Jew haters within Islam that he knows are in this country. It's pretty fucking insidious when you think about it, especially when you consider how they claim to be against anti-semitism and so on, there have been frequent problems in the Labour party over this.

I didn't realise there were so many bad policies looking at this article that Corbyn actually seems to believe in I think I will create a separate topic debunking this nonsense thoroughly. The BBC have done a lot of the work for me because to me these are just 24 reasons not to vote for the Socialist lunatic.

TLDR: The TLDR of all of this Corbyn craziness, is that I do not want this country to turn into Venezuela, which is what will happen if this guy gets in charge. I wish I could vote for some more Secular Capitalist type party but my only option here is the Conservative party right now, I'm going to have to increase Conservative voter share in order to keep this guy out.


Corbyn seems more a man of principles than most politicians these days, even if you don't agree with them. I think the Labour party is in a mess at the moment as they can't decide what they want to be. I'd never vote Tory as I despise much of what they stand for. My preference is to vote Green when I can. Unfortunately our constituency has a massive Tory majority, so not much chance of change.

He's not a man of principles, he's an anti-capitalist fanatic and I prefer a Conservative like Jacob Rees Mogg any day of the week over fucking Corbyn.

Those are his principles :) Capitalism is not the answer to everything. Luckily we get to choose who we vote for, even if that vote has no real effect.

Capitalism is certainly a better option than full on Socialism or Communism, do I need to lecture you about Venezuela?

Extremes tend to be bad. The UK is going the wrong way with some making billions whilst other struggle to get by. We don't need communism, but the state can support those in need. There doesn't always have to be profit.

I think we need to stop borrowing so much ( I'd actually like to make public debt illegal ) and inflating the currency in order to pay for it which is why the wage disparity has increased so much between the rich and the poor but there you go.

Edit: Oh hey! Have you noticed? The replies work properly for long conversations! :P nice, must have been fixed awhile back.