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RE: Question for libertarians and/or AnCaps

in #politics9 years ago

It's interesting. I feel like the left is fairly crazy, but we have the alt-right arising now which is, in my opinion (as far as the extreme alt-right is concerned), the rights response to the insanity of the left.

But as an ancap, really anyone that is a statist is a leftist to a varying degree for me. Why? Because they all want someone to pay for something by force. The left wants education and healthcare paid for but the right wants to have the military and police payed for the very same way. Try talking about privatizing those things and you see what I mean.

So they are all varying levels of "leftist" to me because they all say "government aught to provide something". That said, the right I find is much easier to talk to on these subjects and they end up being far more accepting and open to these ideas in general. I should know since I was a neo-con myself before I became an AnCap.

I agree that the left is the "new puritans" too.


Yeah, in talking to conservatives (esp. Boomer Generation ones) I'm struck by the fact that they are, essentially, New Deal/Great Society Democrats (they generally support every major big-govt. welfare/warfare policy that exists), yet they don't even seem to realize it.

They like guns, pay lip-service to freedom ideals, and consider themselves more 'patriotic' (i.e., they love their nation/govt.), but aside from that, they're really not all that different from leftists.