
Are you saying that I am stupid?

I can say that if you would really like me to, but I feel that it's little bit negative, tbh....

I am not especially attracted to being called stupid, however if I say something that people disagree with I always appreciate learning other peoples perspectives.
Given the situation we find ourselves in I am finding quite difficult to be hopeful about our collective future. I am horrified by the passivity I see all around me and admiration poured out for the people who seek to enslave us.

...even if they're stupid perspectives?

ah I just added an edit to my previous comment.
I am not sure that there is such a thing as a stupid perspective.
Any genuinely stated perspective has not evolved in a vacuum. It will be a reflection of the totality of their experiences and conditioning.

Any genuinely stated perspective has not evolved in a vacuum.

But an insane asylum filled with patients, does not a good perspective of reality, make.
Modern monetary theory?

@lucylin rests his case...

lol are trying to get out of sharing your own perspective?

I was managing an NGO in the mental health sector, I finished nearly 8 years ago. The point being, I have spoken to many people incarcerated in mental hospitals. Some make perfect sense : ) some speak more sense than the psychiatrists treating them. I went to a meeting one day and there was guy there who I assumed was a mental health patient. It turned out he was the head psychiatrist lol
So come on I want to hear your criticism, I have very thick skin and i promise not to cry or have a tantrum : )

I never said what composed of 'the asylum', and 'mental patients', now did I? lol

eg government parliaments are one of the biggest insane asylums there is...