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RE: 6 years in Jail for posting on a Social Media Website ?! The New State of British Tyrannical Orwellian Law about to be Passed ! The Absolute End of Free Speech will be "The Sentencing Council" !

in #politics7 years ago

Tell me about it. I have been banned 30 days from Facebook for speaking against what it's clear a Racist Declaration. This one:


75 Years later, Hitler is still crucified and portrayed as a monster by saying something similar... but when an Israeli Minister says it, it's suddenly OK --- and it's wrong to even question it?

The Hypocrisy of Mass Media is off the charts!


No way that’s crazy that Facebook has banned your for this!!! Unbelievable! What is going on in this world...

Yeah sure I believe you @mitrado, its already begun this insanity but its about to get alot worse once they get this " Sentencing Council " up and running ! Why we must all contact them to say " NO " to this insanity !