r/K Selection Theory as applied to populations.

in #politics8 years ago

Why you should vote for Trump

There is a big reason to support Donald. Trump makes leftists cry, and that is a good thing. If a liberal attacks Trump, he hits back twice as hard with a version of reality the public adopts as truth. This is devastating to liberals. The false realities their dangerous ideologies have become totally dependent on are crushed when each poll comes out showing them that nobody else buys their fantasies. Suddenly reality hurts everywhere they look, and nobody helps them feel better by listening to their fantasy as if it were real.

This is due to a genetic predisposition toward a lack of amygdala development in leftists and Donald Trump is exercising liberal amygdalae, the more he does it, the better developed peoples amygdalae are going to become according to the research. This is the mechanism behind the mental adaption to K-selection. Trump is the mechanism, in action. His words simulate all the death and destruction in nature which would normally make a society turn K-selected, without killing or hurting anyone. Without this, they will inevitably come about via more violent means that no one wants to see.

Biologists have long noted that species will tend to evolve behaviors which best aid them to effectively exploit their environment. Among these behavioral life history traits are reproductive strategies. r/K selection theory describes two environmental extremes, and the strategies a population will produce to exploit each extreme. As a result of these strategies, each of these two environments will produce a very particular psychology in the individuals exposed to them.
There is a changeable mass of any given population, predisposed to go with the r or K-selected flow. When times are easy, safe, and r-selected, they can effortlessly get away with satiating every little fancy, and they quickly adapt to become the unhinged, triggerable liberal nutjobs we see all around us today. When times are harsh and resources are scarce the environment becomes K-selected, and suddenly reality smacks them around every time they head toward r-selected thought patterns, then they are designed to remodel their brain to be more K-selected.

Now, all of these liberal nutjobs are scrambling around the social media outlets, hoping that the echo chamber will say something that will help them shut off the pain caused by Trump’s words, so they can go back to their fantasy and the amygdala-immaturity it fosters. They want an enabler, who will encourage them to think the wrong, but easy, thing. The Donald was mistreated in his childhood and is a bad person today, so you can ignore the things he is saying. Amygdala off. He is mentally unhinged, so you can ignore what he says, and crawl back into your fantasy world. Amygdala off. The best thing for them would be if Trump was rejected by everyone as bad, because then the Donald is just wrong – end of story, and back to fantasyland.

But that isn’t happening. Everywhere they look, everyone is backslapping the Donald, and cheering him on. The Donald must be right.
The irony is, even as the Donald is painful to them, he is creating a therapeutic battle in their brains, adapting them to cope with the natural stress of reality. On the one side is an unbearable pain, and on the other is reality.

Teaching young children to be transgender isn’t a good thing that intelligent people do. Allowing men to use women’s locker rooms with young girls on the pretext of identifying as female isn’t being super brilliant. Importing millions of young male Muslims from a part of the world particularly wracked by violence and sex-slavery won’t bring about a peaceful utopia. Diversity + Proximity in the presence of shortage will trigger war. You can’t fund every government program we have today without running the nation into bankruptcy and destroying every program. Third worlders without skills, transplanted to a first world nation, will tend to suffer relative to an educated populace, and that will breed problems. All painful ideas that liberals presently can’t contemplate, due to their amygdala’s inability to cope with stress.
The irony is the Donald is performing badly needed therapy on America every day. Without someone willing to call people out on this rubbish in a position of authority they ended up with and endless stream of neurotics complaining about trigger-warnings, safe-spaces, micro-aggressions, dog-whistles nobody can hear, and other signs of rampant insanity.

Elect him and the nation will grow more tolerant over his term. Directly associated with that, will be a reduction in the neuroses which underlie the leftist ideology. All the neurotic whining about trigger-warnings, safe-spaces, and micro-aggressions will hopefully disappear, though probably not overnight. Civilization will hopefully continue to tick along nicely when people start to balance budgets and take responsibility for their actions and confront the things that really matter, if he doesn't get in... All bets are off for the USA. One can only hope.


The fact that he's referred to as "The Donald" says enough...