
And just to chime in.. there are plenty of actions from Trump I don't like. Particularly related to Syria.

Depending upon how he handles this Assange situation I may be pretty pissed off too. Yet, it is too early to say as this is something that has been in the works since 2010. Trump was elected in 2016. Do the math, it's pretty simple. Also consider Assange has been in the Ecuadorian embassy for 7 years. He certainly could not have been hiding from Trump before Trump was president. I am against the media pulling their typical bullshit and lying about it being Trump until Trump actually does something. Which so far, all we can do is guess.

And... no I don't blame climate change on white people. I don't blame climate change on teaching mathematics in school. I tend to look for actual evidence before I get pissed off. I very well could end up being quite pissed off about this Assange situation. Yet that still remains to be seen. I am no prophet. Neither are you.

If that is all you get from it. Read it again without filters.

No filters, your entire "this has nothing to do with trump" avoids #5 on her list and I quote

' This arrest warrant was issued under the Trump administration, in full alignment with what the Trump administration has openly been saying about its agenda to silence WikiLeaks. Shame on Trump, and shame on anyone who continues to support him.'

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