CNN, Why are you subjecting us to this?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

It was easy to miss a beautiful little thing that happened yesterday. During a CNN morning segment in which the panel was hard at work spinning a narrative that leads to Trump's inevitable downfall and prosecution on obstruction of justice charges in Mueller's investigation. Of course, on it's face this is a ridiculous notion. At the host's urging the panelists go into a well-rehearsed diatribe to lead viewers by the nose into believing that Trump is in imminent danger of prosecution for obstruction of justice, which by the way is a very difficult charge to prove, and yet the CNN propaganda artists ahem.. I mean, producers, make it all seem so effortless.

Trump won't be found guilty of time to build a new case!

Now, I don't watch CNN, ever. But when I saw this clip crawl past my feed and I heard Elizabeth I couldn't help but giggle uncontrollably at her earnestly asking CNN "Why are you subjecting me to this?" After recovering from my fits of laughter it dawned on me that she has a really good point. Why is CNN subjecting us to this? These people are clearly ethically and morally bankrupt, refusing (for decades at this point) to cover any of the stories that matter to everyday Americans. In my view, this 'media organization' is no longer a media organization. It's deep state mind control headquarters, churning out lies and deceit daily to foment uprisings and take down the very government that the American people voted for.

As Bernie Sanders always says, we should never lose our sense of outrage, and that I won't. We should all be outraged that the media is pushing this fast-food garbage programming that does more to obfuscate the real problems and criminals in our society than it ever has done to expose them.

I'm not a rabid Trump supporter by any stretch of the imagination. I didn't vote for him. But it's been very difficult for me to ignore the amazing forces that are hard at work against him. And I am not going to pretend I'm down with a conspiracy to commit treason just so I can avoid being called a racist sympathizer.

Today, we are all Elizabeth Beck.


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This is why it's so important to get your news from a variety of sources, left and right. Having said that though, CNN is just terrible. I'd follow almost any other network than CNN for a left wing view.

All the networks are linked by the influence of monied special interests. Get away from them completely and use your discernment to find people you can trust online. And instead of allowing the MSM to feed us narratives to react to, let's create the narratives ourselves and force them to respond. That's what I see QAnon is doing and I think it's the one and only effective response to the media industrial complex's game.

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