Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid - Don't be Fooled. A Trump Presidency is as Bad As it Sounds...

in #politics8 years ago



Many have argued that Trump becoming President is not a big deal...    

 ... that he isn’t really going deport Muslims, he isn’t really going to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it, and to these statements... I agree.    

In addition the American political system is designed so no one person can do radical changes without unilateral agreement between the public and all 3 branches of American government.    The current gun control debate is an obvious example, of the political impotence a sitting president can have. 

So whats the problem?

...the environment     

      Unfortunately like with most things in this current climate, experts are being ignored, peoples feelings are to be believed more than stats or science. The climate and the environment are two things that fall into this category, no one can see the changes to the climate with the naked eye, and the shear implausibility to some that little old humans could possibly do any damage to the 'big old Earth',  

...We are facing a global ecological catastrophe, and no one is doing anything to stop it, 

..even though 95% of climate scientists confirm it’s real!!   

Here's a video that illustrates the current world we live in and why he is so dangerous.  Which I Titled - Trump and his love of Hair Spray.


    This whole attitude that we are not all connected to the environment and that we all don't have a small part to play is frightening. Let alone the talk/proud ignorance about “nobody tells me what to do” just because you can’t see the negative results immediately.  

     The one thing Trump is, is a business man, and as a businessman he does not care about the environment, it all about short term profits and screw the consequences. 

Unfortunately this is an area that most of the politicians and the majority of the public all agree on...

Most of these people, many good people will put jobs and money above the environment to an extreme scale. With this growing selfishness of the public and their feeling of entitlement, many are not prepared to face cuts to energy usage and a decrease In GDP.

 If Trump were to get into power the minimal guidelines put forward by the UN to reduce emission (which aren’t enough by the way) will be ignored, and unfortunately there will be nobody to stop him in-fact the majority will back him! 

With the fear of unemployment and slowing growth, to go for possible job cuts and a reduction in GDP just to meet some arbitrary “UN” emissions guild-lines, put through by “Obama”, would politically not be popular, even suicide.

 If we are not careful our children will be born into a world, of pure self interest, widespread gleeful ignorance, pokemon and a global climate catastrophe with no one wanting to stop it, maybe with that said maybe the end of humanity is the best and only solution.


Be afraid, be very afraid. A Hillary presidency is much worse than it sounds! Both are terrible choices but Hillary is the worst. Solution: don't waste money on politics and stop watching TV. Just spend time on making life better for yourself and everyone around it.

He is great as businessman, he knows how to play on people's fears.

Unfortunately you are correct. Great businessman don't care about anything apart from profits and growth. And for the environment to be saved we need more.

I don't argue Trump is a great thing.

I do argue Hillary is a terrible thing. Perhaps the most corrupt political candidate in U.S. history going as far back as 1974 and Watergate.

I don't endorse Trump.

If you don't want Trump or Hillary then you can choose not to vote, Gary Johnson, Jill Stein, or write in some random woman off of the street.

All of those are a better vote than choosing Hillary. You may not win, but guess what it's not a sporting event. You're supposed to elect a representative who represents you. If you are a corrupt criminal, with many cases of unethical behavior, fraud, etc then Hillary might represent you, but I doubt that.

As to Trump...
At this moment we've heard his MOUTH and WORDS... and there have been some doozies.

we have tons and tons of historical actions while she was in office, and Bill was in office...

Trump.... no clue what he'll actually do... he's just spoken... politicians often speak and then get into office and what they DO is very different from what they SAID. So you can't really easily judge a politician by words.

I'm more concerned with actual actions than words.

So true.... IF you believe voting actually works anymore here is the ONLY way you truly throw your vote away is if you elect someone who does not represent you. Your job is NOT to elect a team. It is to elect a representative that best represents you. That means an individual whom you research, and fact check, etc.

If you vote for a team because you want a team to win, you are not doing your job.

LMFAO i just noticed in the article you mentioned that only 95% of scientists confirming global warming, that means it can't be accepted as truth. No consensus, no truth. Global warming is a hoax to tax people or whatever else they're planning.