To the Professor Against Political Correctness (and Sympathizers)

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Have you read about the Professor Against Political Correctness and his problems with Non-Binary pronouns?

I've been following this debate and I've also read many comments from people who support what he's doing. I really wish this sort of thing wasn't happening again to the Non Binary community. It's not cool, and here's why.

A third gender needs to be accepted in this culture. It isn't such a radical idea. Those who identify as Non-Binary are something other than 'male' or 'female', to put it simply. We should all agree on that by now, yet there are some who don't understand.

"Gender is what's between someone's legs. That's how God intended it to be."

God never said gender was only male and female (assuming you believe in God). Nobody can possibly prove this anyway. Let's move on.

The idea that gender is binary (this or that) ignores the complexity of the human experience. When did everyone on Earth agree that there is only male and female? When did we all get together and agree that gender is determined only by a person's reproductive organs? Does gender encompass more than things related to procreation?

Gender isn't something we all see the exact same way, such as the color red. No two people have identical interpretations of what it means to be male or female, feminine or masculine, alpha or omega. This is good, it creates endless variations that make life more interesting.

Maybe you think these non binary people are just trying to get attention. You might think it's just a phase people go through. It's possible those things have happened, but to assume everyone is doing that would be naive and completely lacking empathy. This isn't the hip new thing with college kids.

And what's so offensive about picking HE or SHE? [1]

Some people have gender dysphoria. It is a real condition. It isn't uncommon for someone with this disorder to end their own life.

But this Professor and those like him don't care if someone is suffering. They want to make the issue about them and their comfort zone. Can't they at least try to use non binary pronouns?

What about languages where everything has a gender (isn't that pretty much every other non-english language?) Should we have people get started rewriting the entirety of Russian or French? [1]

I don't think rewriting Russian or French is what they're asking. Nobody expects this Professor to change his beliefs about gender. It's just common decency not to do things that make others miserable (like purposely using 'She' or 'Him' when you've already been asked not to). It's common decency to accommodate people's needs, especially when it's something really simple like pronouns.

Not all traditions are necessary. Just because a person was assigned 'boy' or 'girl' at birth doesn't mean they wanted it.

It really isn't that hard to use 'they' when referring to someone. Nobody should expect you to get it right at first. But make the effort please.



I'm actually a person who identifies as gender fluid; and it fluctuates on context, even my hormonal cycle. It's no ones real business unless they'd like to partake in a discussion about it, I'm always open. What is your gender identity?

Most people perceive me as feminine and call me 'she.' I think that's fine and true. A group of guys I hung with gave me a male nickname and treated me like a guy (it differentiates frm a potential sex partner is mostly why).

When I was in a college class of all males I dressed like a guy and one teacher called me 'he'. Another was self-conscious about being sexist via not acknowledging a woman in the class and would say 'gentlemen and lady' to address the class. I didn't like being singled out and hate the term 'lady' but the confusion for other people and their perception is just as valid. Dealing with my emotions is my business and there's therapist if needed.

You made assumptions about me because of my opinion on the pronoun debate. It happens.

I know I left out the fluidity /dynamic / genderqueer explanation because this was aimed at people who don't know much about the topic. I made assumptions, you're right.

Since I identify as woman I can't say I can completely understand what people who don't identify with either experience. I know I have more in common with them and gay men/women than strictly heteronormative people.

The solution is to promote trans acceptance as much as they like; form clubs, inform people, ad be themselves. they deserve the same protection from harassment as any other individual. Enforcing language is againts individual freedom. The crux of the issue is relating 'persons' with the concept of 'individual' Anecdotal personal experience does not take primacy over universal individual rights.

Some people have gender dysphoria. It is a real condition. It isn't uncommon for someone with this disorder to end their own life.

I don't deny that. Neither does the professor. And he doesn't advocate acknowledging people from their chromosomal gender (ie. transwomen are 'she' and not 'he' and it is natural for anyone to do so)

The debate is fundamentally about freedom of speech and the validity of individualist outcome dependent justifications. Why should someone being uncomfortable about a pronoun be the concern of others? What if someone is negatively psychologically affected by having to alter their speech at the whims of another?

A choice of non-binary pronoun is just as fluid as their concept of gender and can be switched at any time. The idea of masculine and feminine, and gender isn't just about individual choice. It's about perception. If someone thins they are 'non-binary' and most people recognize them as a man they are only non-binary by self-definition. We can't control how others perceive us. Desiring that is part of the problem for people developing self-esteem and mental health regarding their gender identity. Problems of acceptance and becoming individuated and comfortable with oneself is something everyone goes through. Language we share and changes happen organically and should not be state enforced.

The individualist outcome dependent justification is flawed. There's no proven reason why a pronoun would make a difference in trans acceptance; it just may do the opposite.

To make it a legal violation to not call someone by their pronoun of choice is contrary to free speech.

The individualist outcome dependent justification is flawed. There's no proven reason why a pronoun would make a difference in trans acceptance; it just may do the opposite.

What's your solution for this? Is there one?

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