DTube | March 5 CLINTON STATE DEPT RELEASE - Clinton's "Greatest Hits", Sid Blumenthal, Rothschild's "Penance"

in #politics7 years ago

This is a video recap of the Clinton State Department email release, which I had posted earlier on my Youtube account "Chris Simpson Channel", I will be bringing more of my videos here to DTube as an alternative against Google's censorship.

[From the March 5 article]
The U.S. Department of State today released a new batch of deleted emails from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, including heavily redacted correspondence between several Clinton allies including Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, and Lynn de Rothschild among others.

Some possible highlights from the newly released documents include:

One mysterious document with the label "Secretary Clinton's Greatest Hits". With the page below left entirely blank, it is unclear whether the messages content's have been redacted, or left intentionally blank as a possible inside joke at Clinton's expense? More ominously, other's have even suggested the message could be a code about a potential 'hit list' in reference to the rumored Clinton body count made of political opponents.

Another user had highlighted this email, showing Clinton directing her own State Department staff on which (potentially secret) email address to use in contacting Sidney Blumenthal, who was at that time banned from working in the department. More recently, in February of 2018 Trey Gowdy said that Blumenthal was also one of the sources Christopher Steele used in gathering information for the controversial dossier used by opposition against President Trump.

Another message released today shows an interesting correspondence between Hillary, Tony Blair, and Lynn De Rothschild. Where Hillary asks for Rothschild's forgiveness for Tony Blair missing a scheduled event, Hillary then goes on to ask Lynn de Rothschild, "Let me know what penance I owe you."

The remaining documents are available on the State Department website here:

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I wonder why this is not news on the mainstream media.....🤔

Don't expect anything that highlights or implicates the deepstate's criminal activity on MSM, because there are only a handful of incredibly wealthy people who own nearly all of the communication companies that own all of the media; which include network television, print and radio. Those owners are supporters of the huge network of corruption, because they are only concerned about maintaining their influence for self-enrichment. It becomes quite noticeable once a person stops watching television, as all of the programming is focused to push their narrative on their viewers. You see people who are heavily influenced by MSM spewing/regurgitating those ideas in comments and replies, because they are incapable of independent critical thought. But of course, this is only my opinion.

I agree.My comment meant to be sarcastic.Facebook and Youtube targeting anyone,not just conservatives,who speak the truth.I know it from first hand.That's why I'm on Steemit :-)

That's awesome

I should have included the internet social media as well. Youtube, Facebook and Twitter for example are heavily pushing their narrative; while suppressing and censoring outspoken conservatives and labeling anyone who questions their narratives as extremists. Again, just my opinion.

good post vídeos

Nice photography!!