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RE: President Trump: Politcal Genius or Insecure Idiot

in #politics7 years ago

Celebrities are citizens as well and have all the right to speak out politically no matter who they support. I applaud LeBron James as and anyone else who uses their platform to do good for the world. I too like you just hope they use their influence for a noble cause.


Agree. I feel so frustrated at people who praise Trump for his alleged management skills, in terms of US economy. I doubt that is the case, at least in the long term, but evn if it were, even if the US ended up having a stable and prosperous economy, that would not change what he is and what he has done.
Venezuela's only free-of-debt time was during Juan Vicente Gomez's dictatorship. How can that supercede his brutality? I am not saying Trump has done anything close to a brutal dictator, but he has the authoritarian impulse of a guy who would not take no for an answer, who is used to using his money and connections to get things done,no matter what and who is so arrogant, he would not accept criticism.

So, I think that to overenphasize any economic success (and for that we still have to wait for the finale of this tarif soap opera) at the expense of social and political tensions is to ignore the big picture.

Trump may not be the only racist american president,but to have one these days is shameful, i think. Many american presidents expressed their racism only in private and we know about it only because of the biographies that were written, most of them after they wee dead.

One thing that should distinguish statesmen is their capacity to control their tongues and their emotions. Trump, like Maduro and Chavez before him, cannot do that and that's a great disservice to the office.