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RE: The Reason we Lock our Doors

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

That is the problem. Aside from the whole pesky crossing the border illegally and living here illegally and taking up resources that are intended for Americans thing, many illegals have no interest in assimilating into our society. Over 1/3 of our prison population is foreign nationals, many of whom are here illegally. About 1/3 of welfare heads of household are illegal aliens collecting welfare for anchor babies.

This is costing American taxpayers a great deal of money. This is also the same reason that the politicians won't stop it. The politicians get millions of dollars in campaign donations to keep the illegal aliens flowing in.

Welfare has become a cottage industry in the US and those industries that provide all the goods and services to illegal aliens and their numerous children are making lots of money from having all these new "customers" flowing in. It is all paid for with our money, of course, and if we protest, we're called names like racist and bigot.



I completely agree with what you are saying. I found it very difficult growing up in California a young man of non-Mexican linage. I was often singled out and picked on for being the "white-boy" and this made life very difficult. Our schools were full of students who did not speak English and it was almost a requirement for teacher to teach in both languages.

I understand. It is as if we're being overrun and pushed out of our own country by foreign people who do not embrace the ideals that made this country great. Many are here to feed and breed from what others created and have no understanding or concern about our country and keeping it the wonderful and free place that it is.