Clinton and the DNC...gaslighting for oligarchs 101

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

It seems that the Clinton campaign (and those who have fallen in line behind it) will - instead of taking responsibility for this monumental lapse in ethics and judgment - blame Sanders supporters for the catastrophic mess the #DNCinPHL and the Clinton campaign themselves created. They are categorically incapable of accepting responsibility for their behavior and because they have maneuvered themselves into a position of power they will browbeat Bernie voters into believing they are horrible human beings for not being totally OK with everything and just falling in step. It is classic gaslighting: "It's not us, it's you." They now have a convenient scapegoat if and when Hillary loses in November, even though their own pathological dishonesty has already cost them dearly in the court of public opinion - THEY did that, NOT Bernie voters.

Gaslighting may be amplified in families, relationships, and other groups. It’s hard to stand firm when one person is trying to replace your experience, but when they have a chorus of supporters, it is nearly impossible.

The Clinton apologists claim they're being "far-thinking" and "focused on the end result." The problem is that the end result will be an even more catastrophically corrupt and autocratic electoral system, now that a precedent is set and the Clinton camp see they can subvert virtually every legal constraint when it suits them. Her followers have put on hold (or simply no longer care about) their fundamental ideological convictions in order to fight for a Presidential candidate who has literally used the mass media as her personal loudspeaker to get herself elected. Should we dodge the Trump bullet train, we are now faced with a leader who has demonstrated an unprecedented proclivity for manipulation and "at-all-costs" obfuscation.

Sanders supporters are being mocked, scorned, lambasted, ridiculed and excoriated for fearing an American future where voting is symbolic and pointless. We are asked (as if we are idiots or 3rd graders), "Do you really want THAT?" I have to ask them, do you want THIS? Is THIS what you wanted?