
Again, what is his political opinion, based on the flag? That "meme" goes against both candidates. He may have flagged because of the word pussy, who knows.

I flagged you for your language, and spamming others threads. I was pointed at you by another user who was annoyed by you cross posting.

Take it like a man and stop whining.

Fuck you and your censorship!
Have fun watching your steem drop to nothing because of shit like this.
everyone gets flaggesbecause of flagots like you that feel entitled to judge others and try to force then to do what you want. well fuck you. You are the one acting like a little bitch throwing a fit flagging shit. take the meme how you want. others liked it your just throwing a little bitch temper tantrum. you know there is a little mute button. but fuck it, none of it matters this site is going to shit no matter what I say because of flaggot bitches like you.
stop flagging shit and harden the fuck up and take it like a man flaggot.

lmao - 'looks like you struck a nerve. :P