@mixedopinions asks: What is DJT going to do about the conflicts surrounding the border wall?

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

@mixedopinions says - We have to be vigilant, we have to be prepared. And, I wonder and I put this out there and if somebody has already heard something, please let me know. But, what will Trump do about it? Trump has been a really good guy protecting our military, protecting the officials that protect our country, protecting police officers. But, what in this instance will he do? And, I wait for it and that is not a criticism. That's more of a respect of trusting him and trusting the fact that he will be able to at least diffuse the situation or protect our border patrol agents so they can go home to their wives and children. Or if they're women they can go home to their husbands. And, hopefully it gets resolved and hopefully they get protection. This, well just proves to me more and I think it will prove to all of you even if you weren't the biggest supporter of the wall that I would rather have a thirty foot wall protecting our country, let them throw anything they want at it. Its a wall that will withstand anything. I would rather have that than to put 30 of our American citizens at risk being attacked by bottles and rocks and anything else that they could bring. Because we as American citizens our border control, as good people are going to be the last people to fire. They are not going to shoot Mexican citizens unless 100% under fire themselves. They do not deserve to be attacked and hit by rocks and bottles and punched in the face without any course of action so we will see what he (DJT) does.

Reply: Over Eater weekend 2018 Donald J. Trump gave a speech in Ohio:

It is the first live speech of his that I turned off because he said at about 17 minutes he talked about building the wall. ...Frankly our friends did more damage to us than our enemies. Because we did not deal with our enemies, we dealt with our friends and we dealt incompetently. We are now putting America first. Just this week we secured a wonderful deal with South Korea... We are keeping our promises and the results are in 3 million new jobs since election day and if I would have said that to you during the campaign they, the fake news, would have said to you he is exaggerating... Wages are rising at the fastest level in more than a decade... Our veterans are going to have choice and you're going to have choice with your jobs... We have the greatest economy we have ever had... if we didn't win this economy would be a wreck... We can't lose that by being complacent in the mid-terms... We cannot let anything happen to stop what we are doing and where we are going. And, we want to protect our 2nd amendment... We have the best judges. We have put on a tremendous number of great federal district court judges... We are going to build it under budget and ahead of schedule... Stop the school violence act was passed... We got rid of the bump stocks... We passed the improved background checks and no one (fake news) in the back talks about that... We want a merit based immigration system, not a lottery where you pick a ticket... Right here (Ohio) the skills of the American worker are forged and refined. I've been in construction and building all my life. I love it, I love the smell of a construction site. Right! There's just something about it. And, we did not always get, although in this case we did nicely; but, we did not always get the union leadership or the big names but we got the workers. Some of those leaders had big problems because the workers were with Trump. Because they know I hire the Teamsters, thousands of Teamsters and I hired the electricians and the carpenters and people that build a lot of buildings in Manhattan and all over the place. And, they got it, the workers got it. And, now I think the leadership is actually getting it. I really believe that because you're going to have a great friend. And, now I have proven you've got a friend in the White House. That's why we are building all of these projects. So many of these projects which were just dead. Dead projects like the Keystone pipeline. Dead, it wasn't going anywhere. Hillary wasn't going to approve it. Nobody was. It was a dead project. I got in and right at the beginning I got in and I approved that Keystone XL pipeline and I approved the Dakota Access pipeline. Both of them. 48,000 jobs. Environmentally great, it was quick, it was easy and it was done and it was done properly. And, they will be flowing in and that's better than trucking over the road, better than any other way. And, it wasn't going to get approved. There was so many jobs like that. You know those two because they were getting a lot of attention. You know the amazing thing I approved them and I thought there would be some commotion. Some commotion, like protests. There was nothing, nobody said anything. They picked up their stuff and they left. THAT WAS THE END OF IT. They left a mess, I have to tell you about the mess. And, boy what a mess did they leave. It became an environmental wasteland. But, I approved it and they left.
At that point I stopped listening because it was an unfair criticism and excerpt with a failure to include RESPECT for the People who gave RESPECT to the new POTUS.

The reason I am placing this example here is because there are INDIGENOUS people involved who have not only trade and family living on both sides of the border wall area but also land which is treaty land on both sides of the planned border wall. Also there is wildlife that has no need for a border wall and traverses the terrain and has done so for millennia. I address the comments of @mixedopinions here because you state that - Because we as American citizens our border control, as good people are going to be the last people to fire. They are not going to shoot Mexican citizens.

Wake up and smell the coffee. The US Air force trained the civilian drone operators who operated the drones for the Lady Gaga 2017 Super Bowl show at Standing Rock where there was a large gathering of people, the People whose land was NOT the direct course for the Dakota Access pipeline but when the townspeople of Morton county complained the oil company re-directed the pipeline through the heartland of the Lakota/Dakota Sioux territory. The Environmental Protection Agency who was the sole patent holder for rozol poison since the sixties where it was trialed at the same time in Africa where the first two ebola outbreaks occurred ALLOWED for HUGE amounts of rozol to be mishandled and put out in the area adjoining the Dakota/Lakota tribal land which killed bison and eagles. The EPA took responsibility for the clean-up and six months later more bison died and thousands of bison which were scheduled for sale and for which millions of dollars had been raised to purchase these buffalo were quarantined. No reports on these bison has been forthcoming and it was AMAZING that four years earlier several agencies had agreed that a large animal quarantine facility was needed in Wyoming. It was completed just a few months before the HUGE amount of rozol poison was put out. The person who purchased the adjoining property for a ranch sold the property shortly after putting out the poison for a HUGE profit even amidst the lawful, peaceful demonstration. The people were armed with prayer sticks and feathers. Many people from around the world came also to Standing Rock and even former POTUS Obama was asked about the crisis while he was live on camera in near east Asia to which he had no coherent response. Many journalists were arrested and some are still facing court cases. People had their vehicles impounded. People were strip searched including young girls. People were put in cages. They were fired upon with rubber bullets, sound cannons and water cannons in FREEZING temperatures. People lost their lives, their limbs and their eyesight from the damage inflicted by the weaponized security, corrupt police and national guard. 10,000 veterans came to the aid of the PEOPLE. DJT was elected and the tribal council accepted his AUTHORITY. So, the manner in which the POTUS addresses the response of the People to his decision to approve the pipeline is very important for what happens next. We the People are uniting and building community and looking to him for a true adherence to the Bill of Rights which was founded on the Iroquois constitution. All PEOPLE are created equal. We the People, women, Indigenous, immigrants (black, Asian) have had to fight the white man for our rights. All treaties have been broken, the written word of the corporate America means NOTHING. If after nearly 250 years in power the white man finds himself with a WHO SPEAKS FOR ME mind set then he need look behind him at the Trail of Tears. DJT inherited nearly 250 years of corruption, the deep state (Secret Executive Service), Illuminati, the corrupt religious overlords - global church network and Vatican, the disenfranchised, compartmentalized and bankrupt military. DJT inherited a senate, house and congress full of vipers and a population of people who have been made ill by the pharmaceutical industry pumping vaccines, antibiotics and chemical poisons into our bodies, an FDA giving us a food guide pyramid which is a joke and who approve and allow non-food substances into our supermarkets, a Bureau of Land Management 'BLM' which has transported and dumped toxic waste from the mining industries including aluminum and uranium for nearly 100 years the waste products are used as pesticides or put into our drinking water. Now the American population has one of the highest rates of infertility and illness of the so called first world countries and we are building a wall right through the tribal lands of the indigenous people.

We are in a CIVIL WAR, we have always been in a CIVIL WAR. The Illuminati formed a couple months before the Bill of Rights was signed in 1776 and the AGENDA of the Illuminati has included the breakdown of social order on a global scale. Largely the Illuminati has been successful with the USA now at 50% of the population providing 24/7 care or requiring 24/7 care or alone and receiving disability or Supplemental Security Income and caring for themselves. That is one of every two people in the USA. 15% of our children are diagnosed with a neurodevelopmental disability. Our education system has been developed on the Roman education system which was designed to turn out POLITCIANS. It has been further corrupted by the DNC which has enacted legislation that prevented proper security - Biden's gun free zones. Allowed for gas-powered sniper drills pretty much guaranteeing some students are traumatized at school, as if bullying, denying your religious beliefs, threat of being taken into CPS if you get a cavity or spill cereal on your school clothes and get a report sent, mass vaccinated WITHOUT parental consent and support in some areas to have gender change hormone therapy again WITHOUT parental consent or knowledge. The Broward county is threatening to bulldoze Parkland, why stop there. If school is the problem maybe smaller community schools without the school board bureaucracy, federal expense and interference might be a more reasonable option. I have taught in many formal education systems and the Waldorf and Montessori programs are generally far superior, in my experience.

From: Follow the white rabbit. Patent on Evil
Where we go one we go all
For the rainbow warriors

Chapter 1
Civil War in America
Joseph White Eyes writes: "Hey y'all, Tania Aubid is on her 7th day of a hunger strike. She has been committed to this fight since early April when the sacred stone camp first went up. I am asking that you keep her in your prayers, and keep her in your thoughts while You are fighting for clean water. She has been a great mentor and a woman to have in this fight".
Part I - North Dakota, USA is at war
Summer, 2016 The country appears to be divided between the Petrochemical-Pharmaceutical-Military-Industrial Complex ‘PPMIC’ (Capitalist) movement, which controls the cash flow and is rapidly advancing, and the ‘Liberal Coalition’ (tree-huggers) backed by indigenous people, Green Party and allies that President Trump has marginalized, as did former presidents Obama & Bush.
The first International Conference on Climate Change and Global Warming took place in Buenos Aires during the reign of President Bill Clinton and former VP Al Gore. Gore began drawing attention to the issue of global warming, cobbling together a base of believers and followers. Clearly, the Clinton Global Initiative, is a money laundering facility and Pay-to-Play geopolitical tool used by pedophiles, warmongers and elite capitalists. Has the civil war ever really ended?
8 November, 2016 The ‘capitalists’ capture the strategic US military bases when a rigged US election produced Donald Trump as POTUS. President-Elect Trump has shown no respect for the Bill of Rights. No major party seems truly to want to halt what threatens to become a regional war in the Syria. The slim chance to salvage a political process requires that regional actors immediately cease military action and help the domestic parties agree on a broadly acceptable course of action. Only then can the government return to the political negotiating table to address other outstanding issues.
The political process in America, in trouble for some time, began to unravel during the time of Watergate. Following this wake-up call, the people of the United States failed to hold their elected officials accountable. In 2004, Obama was elected, toppling the widely unpopular government associated to election fraud and the 9/11 acts of terrorism. Under President Obama, election fraud was clearly visible at the voting booths of the American people but also in the House, Congress and Senate.
Arguably, the Obama administration became completely enmeshed in the road map of the PPMIC. Laughing all the way to the inauguration, Obama was honoured with the Nobel Peace Prize and went on to become the US president that dropped more bombs than any before him. There is no peace deal because peace is not profitable.

20th January 2017 The current geopolitical divide is the most explosive, but it is not the only conflict. Tensions are also unsettling the recent marriage of convenience between the Liberals and Capitalists, clearly evidenced by the POTUS picks for key offices and the ease with which they are confirmed. The previous ruling party has taken advantage of popular dissatisfaction and tacitly allied with the Liberals against their common enemies to stage a political comeback. Divisions within the opposing groups is rampant as well. Indigenous people and separatists are internally split and suspicious of one another, the capitalist groups earning their profits from the petrochemical industry may not agree with the tourism industry in need of pristine forests and National Parks that are not ravaged by oil spills. Then there is the resurgent military, new toys replacing older ones, and older more mature personnel ripped from the ranks by former POTUS Obama. The US government is risking collapse to claim territory as land, control of or eradication of people and through the use of unconstitutional methods.
This combustible brew has overwhelmed the UN-led negotiations, a legacy of the genocide of indigenous people, disregard for treaties, the initiative to advance the petrochemical industry with complete disregard for human rights. Its implementation mechanisms include deception, disregard for the Bill of Rights, and the revelation of treachery as the masks are peeled away. Initially, the political process was promising, with dialogue that reached constructive conclusions on the political future, evidenced by all US citizens having the right to vote. But after 50 years, stakeholders have little confidence UN-sponsored talks alone will overcome the impasse or produce a lasting settlement.
The indigenous people and separatists have lost faith and are increasingly committed to reversing capitalist gains at virtually any cost. Indigenous people and separatists from around the world consider the indigenous people of North America as proxies, a stance that pushes them closer to action. Throwing their weight behind anti-capitalist, anti-petrochemical and anti-war protests and tribal mobilisation in the indigenous area of the Dakotas has resulted in an outpouring of resources for the movement. The government leads efforts to isolate the movement diplomatically, strangle them economically and, now, weaken them militarily. In turn, the movement has grown, as evidence of global catastrophe from climate change and pollution reaches critical mass. The government has conducted military exercises and likely will harden their position in response to outsider and veteran intervention. The indigenous people’s relative self-sufficiency will not last long. They are already soliciting financial and political support.
More than others, the Dakota movement had the financial clout and historical ties with several different indigenous tribes as stakeholders to incentivize compromise. But, the government and petrochemical stakeholders ramped up pressure while pinching off the safety valve with rigged elections, paid lobbyists and lucrative deals. In March, when brokered talks failed, the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) recognized that a set of impossible preconditions for the completion of the project - the Army Core of Engineers environmental impact studies (EIS) - had not been organised. The Energy Transfer Partnership (ETP), which the indigenous people blame for pipeline advances, refused to acknowledge that they failed to include tribal councils in the negotiations, insisting that the pipeline had a trajectory that would not threaten the tribal water and historical areas.
Egged on by regional powerhouses ETP and Dakota law enforcement, indigenous people may not be able to avoid a prolonged war. If they are to, the North Dakota and US government should step back from the military path and harmonise diplomatic efforts with the UN, which still has a critical role in facilitating compromise. The UN Security Council ideally would condemn regional military involvement in North Dakota and at a minimum should refrain from endorsing and promoting it.
The immediate priority should be a UN Security Council brokered and monitored ceasefire, followed by UN-led peace talks with ICCC GW backing, without preconditions, focusing on the role of the presidency and leaving other power-sharing topics until basic agreement is reached. Agreement on the executive would enable further talk on other aspects of power sharing in the government and military, and on state structure, particularly the future of the tribal treaty lands, where separatist sentiment is strong. Both have been core drivers of conflict since pipeline and oil spills have polluted water, land and oceans.
Without minimum consensus within and beyond its borders, North Dakota is headed for protracted violence on multiple fronts. This combination of proxy wars, sectarian violence, state collapse and militia rule has become sadly familiar. Nobody is likely to win such a fight, which will only benefit those who prosper in the chaos of war. But great human suffering would be certain. An alternative exists, but only if indigenous people and their neighbours choose it.
Part II – Commentary posted on http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/
9 February 2017 - Commentary attributed to Russell Meyers: ‘Been seeing a rising tide of people suggesting a military coup. . . mostly based on the comments of a third rate comedienne who called true Progressives “ridiculous”. No, we haven't forgotten. Progressives actually have an attention span. But let's address this objectively and analyze what the results would be should you get the military involved in an attempt to overthrow the government. First and foremost, if you oust Trump, you wind up with President Pence. He would be worse. Get rid of him and you get President Ryan. You know, the one who has been trying to get rid of SS and Medicare/Medicaid for years’
My counter-comment: ‘No, if the US military implemented the ‘unified Anti-Tyranny Protection Of The United States’ (people & constitution), then the country would be under the protection of those who have sworn to defend the People of the United States and our country: The Army, The Airforce, The Navy, The Marines, The Coast Guard and the National Guard.’
Russell Meyers continues: ’Consider that the military is probably split along the same lines as the general population. Half support Trump, half oppose him in a nearly even split. So evenly split, each side would cancel the other out’.
My counter-comment: ‘It is possible, even probable that the US military has leaders whose directives are followed by those that serve, just as the veterans have leaders who can call a group of veterans to action during these trying times. Recent difficulties in filling cabinet positions with high ranking military personnel who decline offers and a swell of social media, much of which was available for several months to several years prior to the 2016 election, describes the increasing injustice and oppression served the US people by a government which is out-of-control. It is very probable that consensus would be reached among the highest ranking members of each military arm and the people who serve would do so with the professionalism expected.’
Russell Meyers continues: ‘Because of the above, our military would be decimated. Weakened to the degree that our country would be left with no effective defences. Leaving the door open to a hostile government to invade’.
My counter-comment: ‘The US has nearly 1000 military bases world wide when the whole rest of the world has 30 military bases. Indeed, the US military bases in many areas are filled with equipment and resources far beyond what that area or country could challenge. These bases require staffing with US personnel to maintain control of the resources. It is difficult to imagine that US military personnel in the US and surrounding Naval and Coast Guard areas would suddenly have mass AWOL’s or infighting. In fact the duty of our military is to protect the US citizens and our constitutional rights. Just when we need them most ‘We the people’ must have confidence in our military. The military have been our ‘fail-safe’ and we are at the crisis point. IMO’
Russell Meyers continues: “Attacking the government means any armed conflicts would take place in cities. Not out in empty fields. Many thousands would die”.
My counter-comment: ‘The government is a system, and the system is broken. None of the people at the top of the election pyramid have gotten to their place in the hierarchy through truly democratic means and methods. It is highly unlikely that the Congressmen, Senators and Representatives are going to take up arms against the US army. Really Russell, this is a few hundred people. The government has become an ‘it’ and is no longer made up of duly elected’.
Russell Meyers continues: ‘It is most likely that infrastructure would be damaged for an extended period. Electrical, natural gas, water, gas services and communications of all forms disrupted. Highways and roads shut down’.
My counter-comment: ‘For this point rather than disagree I would like to point out that protests, demonstrations, strikes and crumbling roads & bridges along with damage from fracking, busted oil pipelines, filthy poisoned water from power plants, research, GMO, pesticides, rodenticides and global warming or changes to the environment from deforestation, dam building without proper environmental studies, failure to have environmental impact studies which defined the impact of nuclear waste in our oceans and I could go on but suffice it to say these are just a few of the reasons why we need a Rloveution’
Russell Meyers continues: ‘Supply lines blocked or destroyed. Food shortages leading to malnutrition and even starvation. Medical supplies leaving ill and injured with no care available. Disease would run unabated. Many thousands more die’.
My Counter comment: ‘In the world in which we live now, the mass majority of the 8+ billion people live on less than $2 a day. The ones who are in the most distress are those who have been bullied, beaten, stolen from, bombed, mutilated and oppressed. These numbers are great and their sacrifice has been mainly for greed. Should we continue as we have, as the “Greatest Super Power” things will only get worse and supply lines will continue to be blocked in places like Palestine; food shortages and starvation will continue in places like Yemen. Medical supplies will continue to be unavailable to people in places like Syria. Disease will continue to run unabated as long as the Medical-Pharmaceutical-Elite & Greedy continue to use the human population as guinea pigs which has resulted in the American population being the most chronically ill population in the history of modern man’.
Russell Meyers continues: ‘US forces in hostile countries would have their supplies, resources and funding cut off. No personnel replacements. Ammunition would run out. Many if not all would be overrun in days. (That's if they do not destroy each other in the same conflict, which would be possible.)’
My counter comment: ‘With the US military in charge it is likely that the resources, supplies and funding would continue uninterrupted’.
Russell Meyers continues: ‘IF we were not invaded by a hostile government, what would then result would be the dissolution of our military and institution of martial law by ANY administration that assumed power.
My counter comment: ‘With the military in power, which is currently made up of predominantly persons who have chosen this career, the response of the American people to The People taking back the government through the actions of OUR military would hardly result in the need for martial law. The fear of martial law is one of the tactics which has been used to prevent the honest politicians and representatives from demanding the elected officials act in the best interest of the people of these United States. It has gotten so ridiculous that states have threatened to leave the union.’
Russell Meyers continues: ‘Prison camps to hold all the forces (military and civilian) that opposed the new government’.
My counter comment: ‘We have that now. A homeless mother breast feeding her child can go to prison for 5 years while the FLOTUS can be photographed in public wearing sheer, completely see-through attire. People opposing the destruction of their property, the illegal trespass and seizure of their property are being imprisoned daily. Reporters and journalists are being charged with felonies for attempting to get the real news to the people of the US and the world.’
Russell Meyers continues: ‘None of this even mentions war crimes. You've heard of the war crimes committed by our own troops in other countries. The commonality of the rape culture in our military. Now apply that to US citizens as victims. Now, how is that military coup sounding to you?’

My counter comment: ‘None of the preceding commentary mentioned peace time crime such as untested vaccines manufactured with known poisons being given to newborns, infants, children, professionals, military and the elderly resulting in ever increasing disabling diseases, disorders and conditions which has resulted in a People crying out to be heard :

Part III - Call to Action
February 22nd, 2017 - World Prayer at 2:22 pm Central Standard Time; 10:32 pm Greenwich Mean Time
Today the Federal Bureau of Indian Affairs, National Guard, North Dakota Sheriff’s Department and other ‘law enforcement’ agencies and corporations stand with Energy Transfer Partnership to remove indigenous people from their land and surrounding reservation and treaty land so the Dakota Access Pipeline can be completed. Today many people are suffering from the heinous treatment that has been used against them here, in America. And, many people, here in America do not even know that the US constitution is being torn to shreds. Today, we beseech as we wait, watch and feel the further destruction of our people and our planet. The Uber-wealthy, a 21st century term accepted by the high-end middle class who aspire to be or pretend to be multi-millionaires inching towards the billionaire bulls-eye, is now understood to be a form of conditioning which causes sensory impairment:

  1. A form of blindness which makes it difficult if not impossible for the comfortable to see the discomfort suffered by those who are expendable. Extermination of people, human beings dying from dirty water, poisoned land, polluted air, bullets, bombs, chemical weapons, starvation and poisoned food and pharmaceuticals;

  2. A form of deafness which makes it difficult if not impossible for the comfortable to hear about the discomfort suffered by those who are expendable;

  3. ‘Discomfort Association Avoidance’ a.k.a. “False Consciousness” inability to migrate through the myriad of visual, auditory and written resources that describe, define and illustrate the result of oppression.
    A hypothetical history which may be used by the reader to better understand how guilt overload (GO) can have an impact on the choices made by the Uber-wealthy - imagine a young Bill Gates, sometimes described as exhibiting the signs & symptoms of Asperger’s syndrome: ‘when you meet someone who has Asperger's syndrome, you might notice two things right off. He's just as smart as other folks, but he has more trouble with social skills. He also tends to have an obsessive focus on one topic or perform the same behaviors again and again’. a) Gates focused on computer programming and he built a massive fortune b) as his business developed he traveled, and as a consequence he likely saw people in the developing nations that he traveled to who were among the homeless, impoverished 80% of humanity that live on less than $2 a day’ c) Today, Mr. Gates might look more closely at poverty in America; he could read “$2 a day. Living on almost nothing in America” by Katheryne Eden & Luke Shaefer. A rich man travelling the world, a man who has everything money can buy – Mr. Gates chose to make an investment in global health-care. Vaccine development and distribution and pharmaceutical research. Obviously, this seemingly or even genuine benevolent act could behave as an analgesic for Guilt Overload – you see, Mr. Gates could not turn a blind eye (he saw), he could not ‘act as deaf’ (he heard ) and he could not avoid associating his discomfort to the painful realities. Unable to sustain the false consciousness and choosing to find a remedy for GO Mr. Gates took action. Mr. Gates (benevolent) actions also gained him recognition & awards. It potentially improved Mr. Gates developing emotional maturity skills. For Aspergers the development of emotional maturity skills are often delayed, I could argue the same for those born with a 'silver-spoon’.
    There is another aspect of Mr. Gates choice to be considered. The massive potential for profit available from investment in vaccines and pharmaceutical research. The adrenaline rush experienced by humans who know a secret.
    One notable politician explains it this way: ‘Having benefited enormously via the leveraging of capital since the beginning of my career and having shared a decreasing percentage of my income thanks to Presidents Reagan and Bush 43 via lower government taxes, I now find my intellectual leanings shifting to the plight of labor. I often tell my wife Sue it’s probably a Kennedy-esque type of phenomenon. Having gotten rich at the expense of labor, the guilt sets in and I begin to feel sorry for the less well-off, writing very public Investment Outlooks that “dis” the success that provided me the soapbox in the first place.’
    At this time people are viewed as disposable by many. Others find us useful as pawns needed to cash in on our steadily increasing reliance on the poisons sold over-the-counter or by ‘prescription only’. One reason for the ‘prescription only’ is for tracking. Many, many pharmaceuticals that are available in America ‘by prescription only’ are not sold in other countries and many that are sold in other countries do not require a prescription. The cost variation is staggering. The American people and our insurance companies are being used to pay for the information and processing of information. A tablet of dapsone in the USA is $14.00 and it can only be prescribed by a Dermatologist. A tablet of dapsone in Cambodia is 10 cents and does not require a prescription.
    Teyana Viscarra said today: ‘we are at a time of ‘emotional and spiritual awakening . . . I am honored to be here Standing with Standing Rock, standing with this movement . . . This is not the time to be on the fence . . . If it is not costing you something you are probably not standing’
    The time for action is now. The indigenous people have been peaceful, and in response the Uber-wealthy have continued to use Washington D.C. as their ‘guilty pleasure’. We are awake and aware now, and the elite are facing the consequences of their choices. The poisons in our water, food, air and on the land is going into their water, food, air and is being put on their land too. One group of elites wants global genocide and another profits from massive numbers of people on the planet.
    On the ground at Cannon Ball and Standing Rock in North Dakota today, these people are trying to share information and video. Journalists from major alternative media and main stream media have not been allowed. THIS IS A COMPLETE SHREDDING OF OUR CONSTITUTION. America is at War, a civil war rages. Today’s action against the non-violent peaceful demonstrators is a warning to the water protectors (local, national, global) that the global elite has no respect for the planet or the people. While the games continue, the reality can no longer be hidden from our eyes, our ears and our being:
    Today, we raise ourselves up to the challenge:
    we stand – We Stand – WE STAND!
    United we stand (a chance) … Divided we F A I L

(a) ‘False Consciousness or Class Awareness? Local Income Inequality, Personal Economic Position, and Belief in American Meritocracy’: Benjamin J. Newman, Christopher D. Johnston, and Patrick L. Lown, American Journal of Political Science, April 2015
(b) http://www.webmd.com/brain/autism/mental-health-aspergers-syndrome#1
(c) http://www.globalissues.org/article/26/poverty-facts-and-stats
(d) www.worldbank.org/en/topic/poverty/overview
(e) http://www.forbes.com/sites/rickungar/2013/11/04/billionaire-guilt-is-it-a-trend/#5251471a3339
(f) FB: Teyana Viscarra 4-part write up on this movement. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10154404270339205&id=210277954204&hc_location=ufi
Postscript: If people do not wake up - welcome to the future
Aldous Huxley's ‘Brave New World’ in the Year 2020

  1. There will be no voting by the citizens of the states. Voting will take place on November 3rd with a confirmation vote taking place on November 10th. Votes will be submitted from the Senators, Congressman and duly elected representatives by secret ballot.
  2. Persons in the USA who were not born in the USA and who are not naturalised citizens on or by November 3rd 2020 will be returned to their country of birth.
  3. Persons too young to be considered for naturalization may be given special consideration to remain in the USA if a waver application has been approved on or before November 3rd 2020
  4. Land line telephones will not be permitted on US territory on or by November 3rd 2020.
  5. All communication tools must be registered locally identifying town, city, county and state. Only persons registered with the communication device are permitted to use the communication device. Persons who have not been approved for use of communication device must submit an application with accompanying medical assessment review to obtain government [control, mind] approval before being added as a communication device approved user.
  6. Foreign partners include China which owns 80% of the home 'mortgages' in the US, Russia which owns 50% of the metal and mineral mining rights and Antarctica which owns 100% of the Space and Aeronautics Industry have agreed to work with the US military in re-organization.
  7. Individuals who are without limitations or restrictions are identified as the Primary human resource.
  8. Primaries will be located or re-located to the town, city or county area and placed in an accommodation which is defined as suitable for the primary to function in the position to which they have been assigned. If suitable amenities are available to accommodate additional persons to whom the primary is attached then these persons may be included in the transition to the assigned accommodation. If amenities (desired by the government aka mind control) deemed as necessary for successful transition by the leaders are not available then persons - family or other - will not re-locate with the primary.
    a) Persons above the age of 50 who are not primaries and who do not transition with family will be placed in accommodation in the location where their skill is needed. If the over50 is required to cross state border and re-locate to a state which does not have a Shared Vision 'SV' partnership. The over50 will be required to live in a probation facility. Upon successful completion of the probation period the over50 will be placed in accommodation as deemed appropriate by the state.
    b) Primaries who are the sole provider for a child or children will be assessed equally to primaries who are unencumbered. Where amenities are available to accommodate a child or children the child or children may be allowed.
    c) Persons who are defined as able human resources will be placed in support roles which are expected to result in the primaries being fully able to complete their assignments.
    d) Persons who are defined as human resources will be placed in accommodation and assigned to tasks according to
    their single assessment report summary and available placements.
    e) Persons who are unable to be placed in a human resource assignment will be housed in the accommodation which is identified by the state.

a1) Primaries can request human resources be placed in the assigned accommodation to look after a family member who would otherwise be placed in a state selected facility.
a2) Primaries can request that a family member or members who cannot re-locate with the primary be maintained as a family unit with a state selected human resource to support this accommodation.
a3) A single parent primary placed in their current state of residence or a state with a SV can request a human resource to maintain the child(ren) and any additional persons who are recognised as non-human resource family members.
a4) Human resources will remain in the state where they are registered unless a primary has requested this human resource and the primary is placed in a different state to the one in which they are registered at the time of re-location. The human resource who is requested by the primary which are accepted as reasonable by the state will then be given training to learn the rules and regulations which differ from the state of departure.



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