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RE: CNN Producer Says Russia Narrative “bullshit"

in #politics7 years ago

I am so sick and tired of this bullshit. Every single day its something negative. Everyone knows its all fake. I voted for Trump, why? Cuz he doesn't give 2 shits and is doing what the people want and is not giving into the media, plu there was no one else to vote for and we couldn't afford to have Clinton. Do I agree with everything he says, no. But for the media to continue to split the Country apart is insane as well as contributing to a near damn civil war and attempting to destroy relationships across the globe. Unfortunately they are only succeeding here in the States and the small minded people are falling into their grip. What makes it worse is the CEO of CNN told all of CNN in an email to continue to fight. Who knows what that means. But with their track record and this coming out, it could mean anything.


Thanks to places like steemIt, we can put news and media in its place. I am tired of this shit. Its all lies. Heres to Decentralization of currency and media! #dixout4harambe!

Taking away healthcare and destroying the environment is what people wanted?

They are not taking away health care and not taking away OBAMA care but adjusting a few flaws. For instance he is making it to where people who are abusing the the assistance program unable to obtain it and harder for to get, even Obama himself said it needed adjusted. Obama made it impossible for people like me to get insurance. 1 I made to much money to get OBAMA care and 2 health insurance was to high for me to afford and if we dont have health insurance we are getting fined for it? Thats commie shit.

As far as the environment, every country was benefiting off of the Paris Agreement except the United States. China and other countries have higher pollution rate and was benefiting from the coal mining while American workers where put out of work. On top of that the U.S. was paying for a shit ton of the Agreement.

You are so full of shit. Over 20 million people losing health care is not adjusting a few flaws.

Ok, so what about the people that cant afford health insurance or the people that dont qualify for obamacare? Fuck them right? And everyone that gets penalized because they cant afford it? Thats the dumbest shit I have ever heard! I guarantee you the majority of those people have the ability to work and would be able to get their own health insurance but they choose not to so they can suck the life out of my money and everyone else who works for it! It affects the doctors and screws up the premiums. On top of that medications that use to be covered is no longer covered! My son lost his main medication because of obamacare! Come at me bro! What else you got?

Buddy, if any one is full of crap it's you. I'll bet you that you really don't give two turds about other people's health coverage, care less about the rights of "all Americans" (especially mine), a humanist, college dropout, who really doesn't have a clue what the true conservative stands for and I'll bet you get your news from late night talk show hosts.

You are an awful gambler. You would have lost your bankroll on those bets.

I don't think Americans really knows what they want at this junction.

Americans want Bernie Sanders. Hillary stole the nomination from the rightful president, leaving two horrible options.

I think all Americans know what they want. Your statement is invalid.