The election has already been decided and ... nothing . . .

in #politics8 years ago

Barack Obama did nothing useful for a very long time, he even said he would close down the President Bush torture camps. The Republican party's representative (that would be be Bush) needed something to look useful, so he installed torture camps against Muslims in Cuba and other countries to try and instill confidence in the non-spending American public.


The idea was simple, make people feel safe so they started to spend money again for the economy; like the export of terrorism it did not work as intended. But that is OK since many leading faces in the Republican campaigns made a lot of money both blowing up Iraq and Afghanistan and rebuilding it.

Want an independent review of international war criminals, pick some major names from the previous White House administration and run them against major European countries reports. Some American Household names never left America again since they were most likely to be arrested as criminals overseas, but the American media does not report stories like that . . .

There is more likelihood of Vladimir Putin become America's next president since Donald Trump is just an egotistical showman; and Putin was born in Russia. Remind anyone of a tall guy from Kenya ? well the truth is that was a misdirection about his "creating writings" for his college education grants, seems if you lie on your college application that affects your grades : )

Reality is this whole reports about the FBI and emails is just media hype to sell circulation. Once December gets here there are no more advertising dollars for failed politicians; thus the media needs all the election revenue advertising it can create . . .

Dear Old Hilary has already been elected and that will mean another lot of years of nothingness for America. Hilary is 68 and Bill spent a lot of time on tax payers dollars travelling the world gaining Clinton Foundation donations to fund this election campaign.

Personally I myself do not believe the reports from an ex- Secret Service Agent that he spent much of that time travelling with a Polaroid picture of Monica duct taped to his penis . . .

Regardless America is not going forward anytime soon but at least its international prestige will increase by 2 % simply by that fruit loop Donald NOT getting elected ! ! !

The Economic RECESSION went from 2007 till 2009, the Economic DEPRESSION is here from 2009 till FOREVER, there is no likelihood of any plan in at least the next five years no matter who wins in November . . .

Sorry but ' reality ' " bites " the big one, your own your own this time around, anything can happen in politics but if Donald gets elected it will be because of the uselessness of Obama; but as I said. The Election is already decided and Donald never even wanted the job, he tried to appear respectable until he had removed all the other Republican candidates then he has done everything NOT to get elected.

After all; working for the government is not the way to get rich and Trump cares for Trump; money and Trump, only those three things in that order . . .

Truly after how Trump has made even worthless politicians more reviled than they were before, this must be some measure to the insane fanaticism of Republicans to even consider voting for such a non-personality.

Come November say to ' the Chump ' ; " You'Re FIRED ! ! ! "