in #politics6 years ago


“…..the hunters have learnt to shoot without missing, I Eneke, must fly without perching”—African Proverb

By Eminimo Chantell

As recounted in his book Things Fall Apart by literary legend and accomplished writer, the late Chinua Achebe, the proverbial bird Eneke had earnestly decided to fly without perching responding to the recent habit of hunters who shot without missing.

The adaptation of the direction of this administration often times has reminded us in the diaspora and within, that the spiritual is truly available and that it does control the physical.

For instance, we were not yet a country in recession when His Excellency, Deacon Udom G. Emmanuel looked carefully into the need our dear state in relation to the future and decided that INDUSTRILISATION should be a most sordid direction.

Perhaps, the then already successful banker and business man arrived at this sublime by intuition inspired by learned direction or a relay of reflex of a known ‘fixer’ but ultimately it turned out to be the plan of God for Akwa Abasi Ibom State at this time.

Today, just like the proverbial bird Eneke had decided on the unusual to match the reality of determined hunters, the promise keeper has pledged to deliver us Industrialization regardless of the general economic situation. For instance, our reality in Akwa Ibom State is unarguably different from what is obtainable in other states. Our civil servants are happy; we have the best road network in Nigeria; we have built industries and facilitated private sector industries both foreign and indigenous; we have fought crime to a standstill; we have upset our debts; we are working on a seaport; we are in the process of relocating Exxon Mobil Headquarters; we are training thousands of youths on several life changing careers through our several dedicated skills outfits; we have given freedom to press; we havew given voice to women through the pet project of Her Excellency; Mrs. Matha Udom Emmanuel, FEYREP.

Little wonder words scooped from the banking sector carry that the young financial expert had always been deployed to areas where keen and excellent thinkers were need, the man noted for solutions was deployed by God to lead us further, closer to the fulfillment of our utopia as a state.

Before we cast a listing stare at the Administration of His Excellency much we have accomplished in these three years may I remind us that if we rise to the faith of greatness as a people, Akwa Ibom State is endowed naturally with every potential needed to become more than a ‘Dubai in Africa’ , from natural/ mineral resources, human capacity, basic infrastructure, favorable landscape (ocean banks) peace, green land, agriculturally favorable climate and others, all we need now is building on these potentials while consolidating on our strengths to forge that heaven that we all deserve as citizens of an oil state.

This is what our very own Udom G. Emmanuel is doing.

Given that Economic growth in the measure of figures of GDP of a state or nation or simply put, how much growth in revenue the state has achieved, Economic Development is the measure of how much impact this growth has on the standard of living of the people.

Let us take a look at the vast ways his Excellency has improved the economic realities of our people and why the Diaspora community has pledged to support his re-election


In this area which assumes the main curse of this administration, we have, as a state through the leadership of His Excellency, Mr. Udom G. Emmanuel, accomplished commendably in this direction.

We have attracted and also created no less than 14 companies and cottage industries in the past three years well established in the state just as a dozen others are in serious talks with the state government to gain access.

A few already established Industries/ cottage Industries are:

Jubilee Syringe Manufacturing (JSM): located at Onna LGA of Akwa Ibom State, the multinational with no less than 300 million per year product production capacity sits on about 47 000sqm land space. According to the Turkish MD, Mr Gulabi Zubeyi, the company is about $40 000 000 investment. As revealed by our investigation the Syringe giant has employed numerous citizens (Local Content) and has also sponsored about 14 indigenous Engineers (Young people) to turkey to specialize in machine handling, operation and repairs, speaking with Mr. Gulabi who is also undergoing a PHD program at the University of Uyo, it was gathered that the 14 engineers who were flown to turkey are back and have been employed here at Jubilee Syringe AKS. Zubeyi also stated that each producing machine was named after each of the engineers who are now the managers in the factory.

“each of these machines are named after each of them, you operate it, repair it and generally manage it, there are very expensive players now in the manufacturing industries now anywhere in the world because they have acquired rare basic skills as we sent them to specialize in Turkey”

Metering Solutions manufacturing Company: Functional and operative, located at the heart of Onna LGA. It was leant that about 80% of employees in this industry are indigenes of Akwa Ibom State. In a chat with an employee who prefers to remain anonymous, it was learnt that the company just concluded sales of about 40 000 pieces of electric prepaid meter and are looking about 1 000 000 copies as a target for the year.

Floor Mill Industry: Owned by the prestigious VKS with Chairman, Mr. Unur Kumral, this revolutionary industry located at Onna LGA of Akwa Ibom State and about 97% completed will bring about earth shaking changes in the private business sector in the state, for not only will our people in huge numbers be employed to produce and export floor but the extensive opportunity along the value chain is the most impactful, for instance, our farmers will be able to sell more farm produce needed as raw materials just as others will engage as suppliers of these materials, warehousing will be another business boom, logistics will also be optimal, packaging, branding, off taking and supplying the finished good will make others millionaires. Indeed the sun shall rise in AKS when this Floor-Mill Industry is commissioned.

Akwa Prime Industry: Dealers in dairy products in large scale , located at Uruan LGA, this industry alone is responsible for the total boost of the ‘Chick n chicken dealers’ business in Akwa Ibom. Playing a pivoted role in the sector, Akwa Prime is anchor to the several top operators that make a living through dairy.

Coconut Plantation: Talk about sustainability for both now and the future, 10 000 trees for a start, Located at MKpat Enin LGA, this master piece which is an idol in the West African Coast is a money mill. A project conceived to yield beyond the administration of the this ingenious gentleman, it will employ no less than 1000 citizens across it support chain, from security outfit to tenders, nursery for sustenance, crackers, foresters to mention but a few. Also the export lines in AKS will stand tall, utilizing the much expected deep seaport to create wealth from this vast plantation whose product (coconut) has no waste product.

Coconut Refinery: To be completed in about 18 months, this refinery is complementary to the plantation project mentioned above, located also at Mkpat Enin LGA, it is almost equivalent to producing raw crude for sale as its product will be exported far and wide around the world while still being utilized by citizens for a better living. The employment potential of a refinery cannot be overemphasized.


Already known as a game changer to cottage industries in Akwa Ibom State, the brand AKEES has become an house hold name. most people recognize this brand as Akwa Ibom Enterprise and Employment Scheme which is correct as well as that it has been recently registered as a company. It is planned to have about ten cottage industries within its control. With a project called industrial cluster, The MD, AKKES, Engr. Uffot Ebong, it was revealed plans to cluster this industries both foreign and indigenous in an exclusive industrial environment where constant power supply and other basic facilities like building and warehousing will be provided them for ease of production.

Recently it was scooped that a plastic production company is bready for commissioning by His Excellency. Speaking to this reporter at his Shelter Afrque home, he said “we Have to keep it cool till His Excellency is set to commission, we are putting finishing touches to the rubber producing industry”

Other Successes of AKEES are:

Pencil Producing Industry: located in the east of Etinan LGA of the state, this industry according to findings is turning over no fewer than 500 000 sticks of pencil monthly and reports say its demand is still high up there than its supply in the state only. Having employed several youths in the state, the supply of raw materials to the factory, branding and middle man practices has liberated numerous AkwaIibomites.

Toothpick Industry : Situated in the same location with the pencil industry in Etinan LGA, this very popular toothpick line is a business hub for both suppliers and retailers in the chain.

For want of space, permit us to summarize that as observed in other states in the country, AKS has ridden off very far into the future of wealth creation and superior standard of living for her people.

Others, both established, under construction and expected are:

Peacock Paint (operational), Car Assembly Plant (expected) Rise Plantation in Ini LGA etc.

(2) Agriculture: When the Nigerian economy experienced recession, its first point of rescue was to diversify the economy for which Agriculture was the first call. In this regards , His Excellency has accomplished much which a few are the spring up of rice plantations many locations in the state, the empowerment are training of Cocoa Farmers in the state, the uncommon vast vegetable cultivation in the state. Her Excellency through her FEYREP Project has built several oil mills, food processing factories and empowered numerous groups of cassava farmers in the state. Needless to mention the Tomato revolution which is visible for all to see in the state as recently about 100 hectares of land has been acquired in Okobo LGA for the cultivation of tomato for which the expected yield is calculated moderately at 2000 tons.

(3) Civil Service: In April 2018, Civil Servants received their salaries before the State’s federal allocation came in, this is how far a concerned Governor could go in easing the standard of living of his workers in the state. The Administration of His Excellency, Udom G. Emmanuel has been decorated with backlog of payments of gratuities, pensions and other entitlements. Because of hid interest for these set of citizens, pensions has recently become a topic for which settlements and paperwork are always ongoing.

(4) Security: This is a very vital concern of the administration, aside that cultism has been proscribed, crime in the state has been reduced to the barest minimum. The strong and fluent relationship between the Governor and the state security apparatus has seen to rapid response of security operatives to crime scenes or distress calls just like is the case in western countries. Criminal Elements like Isoakpafid and Stainless made headlines recently as the NPF in the state recorded yet still another success in the fight against crime. Road networks are even more pronounced in the state to open up areas that were prone to crime due to limited access to security operatives.

Education: This is quite an area which much expansion and development has been fused. Free and compulsory education for our children, prompt payment of salaries to teachers, modern educational environment and facilities, several Science and computer laboratories to facilitate better standard of education. This administration is engaging in the struggle to bring home a maritime University as a change to the maritime academy already located here. The administration has registered success with the Navy School now located at Oruk Anam LGA of AKS which it attracted regardless of the interest of political big names desired same for the other states. The Akwa Ibom State Univesity has witnesses several developments recently including the award of contracts for road networks in the school premises. Payment of WAEC fees for candidates sitting for the exams in Akwa Ibom State and other we can’t recount for want of space.

In our next edition, we will be exposing landmarks in Health, Revenue Rural Development, Lawmaking, Science and Technology, Skills Acquisition, Human Capacity Development , Judiciary, Environment and Green Energy.

With the above moderately listed achievements, we hope we have been able to provide the bones for which we would need continuity as a state and as a people.

Governor Udom Emmanuel is the Answer.

received_2028822987149356.jpegCurtsey: Mr. Joe Etukudo

