The lies and hypocrisy of Boris Johnson

in #politics5 years ago (edited)

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Eloquently put.
We are in a ridiculous position where those who dissent are ridiculed and debate is impossible.
Maybe things will be okay, but I have little hope of it.

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To me the most alarming situation is the proroguing of Parliament for an additional 5 weeks. If Boris thinks he can spin that as democratic, I think he has misjudged the public, but unfortunately the divisiveness of the brexit issue has people actually supporting it; people who apparently demanded the sovereignty of Parliament, are keen to see it dissolved, what?

I am really concerned for what our democracy is becoming, or what it is not becoming. Remember May dusted off ancient powers for her to enact laws without Parliament, now Boris acts like a dictator; brexit may be the least of our worries, frankly.

Exactly. There is so much hypocrisy and I wonder why so people are so desperate to get out of the EU. It was not doing the average person any harm, but most of us will suffer for years when it happens. And I don't give a shit what colour my passport is!

It's all a bit tragic really.

Once you voted 'leave' the plucky Brits should have re-conected with the Commonwealth - a much larger market then the EU and said let's fecking go for it. We're out and we're proud and we're going to show the world we can stand on our own two feet and be the international powerhouse we used to be, but better.

Instead your politicians have been mired in fear and indecision. They have failed you miserably. And that's really sad. This could have been such a positive thing for Britain. (or you could have stayed with it being equally positive)

The Greeks had their chance and flinched at the vital moment, giving victory to the bankers. Now Britain has followed suit. And the power and control of Brussels and Germany grows.....

I am so disappointed in most of our politicians. Labour have done bugger all to help matters as they are divided and worried about marginal seats. We need brave politicians, but just seem to have loud ones.

OK, lets get it over with: You are a remoaner! (moaning is a perfectly reasonable reaction to this sad, sad circus). Johnson is just the latest in a long row of lying, egomaniac authoritarians in international politics. Erdogan, Modi, Trump, Putin. Among that bunch he's actually a bit of a charmer, but we are all shocked by this latest trick of his. I am writing grants to hopefully suplement my Kickstarter, but as soon as I am back making Phill, I know who will have to feature heavily on a couple of pages.

One thing I would hope for Britain was that the voting system could be changed to a proportional representation system instead of the winner takes it all system. That way your Green vote might actually make it to Parliament. None of the big parties really want it, so it is maybe not that realistic, but it would be much better for you. The referendum showed how unaccustomed the UK system is to actually listen to the people.

The big parties like the system as it is and it benefits them. We have just one Green MP and they have little chance of gaining more as it stands. People are out demonstrating against this latest action today, but I could not make it there.

Yes, it might work with the voting system if just not people were so aggressively divided. It scares me that both UK and the US are in such a poor cultural state right now. I talked to a British violin builder a couple of month ago and he couldn't talk to his father anymore because of Brexit. That is really, terribly sad.

I don't know too many people who are in favour of Brexit, but in some contexts it may be best not to mention it to avoid unnecessary conflict.

Depressing reading this. I'm resigned to us leaving now.

While pro European I was never a fan of the EU block - they are basically Corporate lackyes like most national governments

TBH I think Brexit will end up making very little difference to most people's lives - although it'll hurt the poorest and least powerful the worst - including many of those who voted for it!

That doesn't excuse all the lies and manipulation. Interesting point about the BBus and Google. I didn't know that!

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The EU is far from perfect, but you cannot improve it from outside. Too many vested interests as it stands. Nobody really knows how bad Brexit could be really so it is hard to prepare for it.

Yay for caroline Lucas is all I can say!

Cant abide by most politicians due to their lack of morals and ethics. Boris is no exception. I feel so sorry for Nazanin he didnt exactly help as Foreign Secretary in that department!

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Caroline is a star. It must be tough when you only have one MP, but the system is rigged against small parties. I am interested to see if this move gains the Greens and others more support. Unfortunately some people will switch to the Brexit party as we have already seen. I see them as bad for this country.

Yeah it is a shame. I volunteer with the Green Party so I really do hope we make gains. But its not easy to day the very least.

Honest politics is what is needed. All we can do is keep spreading the world about the Green and what they believe in 💚

Interesting, is it only UK that wants to leave? I thought Greece and a couple of other minnows wanted out as well. How small can the EU get and remain the EU?
Could be fun times for the Northerners

Nope, it's only the UK. There has been no talk about any other country leaving on a serious level.

There are groups in other countries who want to leave and if/when we do it may encourage them. Others have joined fairly recently. Scotland and Northern Ireland voted against leaving. This may push Scotland more towards independence. I think it is better to work with others as you have to compete with big players like the US and China these days. Nothing is perfect, but you can try to improve.

I will spare you a heated response.
Cameron is a coward. He gave his word and indeed chickens out. Since that time the EU countries did everything to boycot and manipulate England. So did they the rest of Europe. We (in the Netherlands) only heard there would be no life after Brexit.

What a bullshit we had a life and a good one before the EU. There is no reason anything should change if you make some simple rules. The Netherlands need England to export their potatoes too etc.

This is all about the money (less once rich countries who pay for a bankrupt EU that prints money) the countries who stay have to pay more and ofcourse the fear other countries leave too (and that is why our government took away the right of referendum from us). Politicians can claim to know their people but they clearly do not and love to force their plan for one big happy EU upon everyone's throat (actually it is Kallergi his plan full of genocide and creating a new race).

For the rest I ignore news as much as possible. Politicians are the biggest liars and manipulators and always fill their own pockets. They may look stupid but seldom are. I guess we all get what we deserve.

We are not satisfied with what we have, proud of what we created by hard labour after the second world war, spit on elderly people and those who fought for and died for freedom.

I wish you a great day without news. Believe me the world is way better if you do not read it. No TV, no newspaper, no radio..💕

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The EU is an imperfect system, but I think we stand to lose out by leaving as I have said. I do not think all politicians are the same. Some do have principles that they strive to defend. They are people just like us. Some get corrupted by the money they can make and the power they have.

I think we need some awareness of what is going on, but should choose our news sources with care. I was just reading about how using all your time on 'junk' TV reduces your time to educate yourself and can lead to more people believing what the 'populists' say. People like Trump and Johnson will say whatever it takes to stay in power.

I am not watching tv since over 10 years and am not missing it at all. It is indeed better to take time to educate yourself, to think and search for answers or reasons.

I wish you a great day, we will see what future brings us. It is not as black and white they say it is. The world will not end if people kerp their own ID and borders either. We are used to eachother, depend on eachother so stik together one way or the other.


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