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RE: Political Correctness. The Deliberate Gagging of a Generation?

in #politics7 years ago

When people use exactly the argument that politicians use to refer to other people, especially those who do not have the same criteria in certain points of something, they forget that the argument they are using is that of a politician, a person who needs to be mediatic , controversial to catch the attention and it does not matter if he is right or not, he will look for the media to give him the minute of fame he needs, he is a politician lives to sell ideas and systems, to talk that he is the person who will work for the interests of society, but they will never tell you, what are their real interests, you change a vote so that they come to power and after this really fulfill the things they say ?.

When people use exactly the same arguments that politicians use, they forget that they are pigeonholed in a position where they can not listen to the other party, and they believe that they are owners of the absolute truth.

When you reach a level where the arguments are more disqualifications and insults, the level of radicalism is worrisome, because people are what they say and what they think, and if the attitudes of politicians, celebrities, the media mold the behavior of societies, and people forget what they really are, forget their principles from that moment society goes into decline, and is really worrying.


Worrying indeed @the01crow. Bipartisanship is no longer the domain of politics. The world is increasingly polarised, with a mentality of 'if I disagree with one thing you say, I must disagree with everything you say'. People have become armchair experts in subjects they know nothing about, ironically mirroring the very politicians they criticise. It seems large swathes of the population are radicalised through the hypnotic pull of spoon fed information on the goggle box. Just look at the irrational hatred and fear of Muslims. Millions of Muslims live peacefully side beside their neighbours, valuable members of their local community, yet face unspeakable prejudice because of a tiny number of fanatics, who happen to practice the same religion. And why?.....because "the attitudes of politicians, celebrities, the media mold the behavior of societies, and people forget what they really are, forget their principles". You got that right.

I am from Venezuela, a country where politics divided millions of families because they belonged to a political party, and so much radicalism was part and par that, when one stops to think about both arguments, they almost always have a highly disqualifying offensive, people stopped seeing the other as citizens, and it's a sad thing, I had teachers in that if I explained my argument, as balanced as possible, I could not pass his class, because according to him, things were like he thought they were, and as that teacher I got to know many who had some power over something, people stop being professionals for thinking that way, my policy classes were boring, I could never talk about the 2 postures, or a third, The discussions or comments that are usually made in public transport show a lot the symptoms of that extremism. Things like that make the world as unfair as possible.

I'm lucky to live here in the UK. We have freedom than most. Your country always looks so beautiful with a rich history, it's awful that you are so controlled. I hope you find a community on here where you can truly be yourself.

Agreed. Followed 🙂