February - March Jihadi Report: Leaked Intelligence briefing on Casualties of Radical Islam

in #politics7 years ago


2018.03.13 Syria, Qadam An ISIS sniper picks off a civilian. Civilian just before dying, was wondering why he did not join the western coalition, who have been terrorizing the terrorists.

2018.03.13 Afghanistan, Nangarhar Two children are recruited in the execution of three prisoners. Just another day, in the life of a child in this "Shithole"!

2018.03.13 Iraq, Baghdad The Islamic State is suspected in a brutal bombing at a popular market. 5 victims reported, and market said to have lost a little popularity...

2018.03.13 Nigeria, Tse Igbe A Catholic teacher is among at least three people hacked to death. But that was okay because he was a Catholic...

2018.03.13 Nigeria, Guma 3 Women and 4 children returning from market are set on by Muslim terrorists. No one lived to tell the tale...

2018.03.13 Afghanistan, Farah Five police are murdered by the Taliban and five others kidnapped. Afghanistan chapter of black lives matters, threw a party with halal catering provided.

2018.03.13 Yemen, Aden A young boy is among seven killed and 30 injured when a suicide bomber plows his car into a kitchen. 30 people are said to now be considering eating at home for life.

2018.03.13 Iraq, Samarra Two men are killed by Saraya al-Salam gunmen. Just another day in Iraq folks, nothing to see here, move along now...

2018.03.12 Iraq, Qayyarah A man, his son and six guests are cut down in cold blood by Islamic State members. Again, nothing to see here, please move along!

2018.03.12 Niger, Goube Jihadists murder three people in a surprise attack on a small village. Village is considering folding shop, as those were the only three child bearing aged women, left in the village.

2018.03.12 USA Palm Beach Gardens, FL A recent convert to Islam stabs three people over his religion, including two 13-year-olds. CNN blames Trump...

2018.03.12 Germany, Flensburg An 'asylum seeker' stabs his girlfriend to death for refusing to convert to Islam. Her last thoughts being, how could the Television have gotten "the religion of peace thing", so very wrong?...

2018.03.12 Syria, Ghranij Two children are disassembled by an Islamic State landmine 3 others put in critical condition. Islamic state issued an apology, as they dislike recruits blowing each other up, and feel they shot themselves in the foot, on this one...

2018.03.12 Iraq, Mushirfa A man and his two children are among seven innocents slain by the Islamic State. Man was thankful for his local gun control laws...

2018.03.12 Iraq, Azim Islamic hardliners stop vehicles randomly along the highway and shoot occupants to death, killing 20. Survivors have sworn to take "allahu akbar ride sharing service", when traveling to future destinations.

2018.03.12 Syria, Jarada Jabhat Tahrir Suriya snipers pick off a civilian. Hopefully for carrying a sign that said "Fuck Islam"...

2018.03.12 Syria, Gharanij An Islamic State bomb kills two civilians, and maims 2 others. CNN had better things to report...
2018.03.11 Syria, East Ghouta Islamists fire rockets into civilian areas, killing four, and wounding 26 others, who are all now wondering, how to avoid ending up like the 4 others, who were not so lucky.

2018.03.11 Afghanistan, Nabi Khil Two women and three children are among seven sent to Allah by a Taliban rocket. Virgins await none of them...

2018.03.11 Iraq, Amerli Five family members are obliterated by ISIS bombers, 10 others are critically injured. On the bright side, all were thankful, for a quick end to their misery

2018.03.11 Iraq, Daquq Three civilians are burned alive in their car by Holy Warriors. Last thoughts being: 'There are good ways to go out, being burned alive is not one of them!'

2018.03.11 Iraq, Hawija An ISIS bomb takes down two farmers. Life sucks in Iraq, so in a way, their prayers were answered...

2018.03.11 Iraq, Yusufiya A Mujahideen blast at a restaurant kills just one patron, but wounds 4 others, who now swear they will never eat at that establishment again.

2018.03.11 Austria, Vienna An Islamist stabs a guard outside the Iranian embassy. Guard is now wondering, what the hell he was thinking, guarding the Iranian embassy...

2018.03.10 Afghanistan, Naik Islamic state proponents machine-gun seven local cops at a checkpoint. The Afghanistan chapter of Black lives matters, threw another celebration...

2018.03.10 Afghanistan, Bazaarqala A child is torn to shreds by Taliban shrapnel, two others injured. Child's last thoughts being, why the hell was I born into this "shithole" country...

2018.03.10 Afghanistan, Bala Buluk Twenty-four local security personnel are eliminated by Sharia fanatics. Twenty-two others are considering retirement, if they recover from their injuries.

2018.03.10 Somalia, Weydow An al-Shabaab IED claims four lives. a fifth, lived to tell the tale...

2018.03.09 Mali, Dialloube Jihadists kill four local security personnel with a landmine, and retire 4 others due to injury. The Mali Chapter of Black Lives matters, throws block party, Obama said to have made an appearance.

2018.03.09 Afghanistan, Khaja Gar Seventeen local security personnel are killed during an attack on their post by Islamist's, Thirteen others are critically wounded. Afghanistan Chapter of Black Lives Matters, asks for donations to fund another block party...

2018.03.09 Afghanistan, Sayed Wali Two civilians are killed at their own mosque by Religion of Peace rivals. Who knew, they can't even get along with each other in their own temples...

2018.03.09 Nigeria, La’ake Four children are butchered by Miyetti Allah, when asked about it they stated that they would have butchered more, but their arms got tired...

2018.03.09 Afghanistan, Kabul A Shahid suicide bomber targets a gathering of Shiites outside a mosque, killing nine, and wounding 18 others, unfortunately someone forgot to tell him that they were running out of virgin humans, and would be substituting goats from now on...

2018.03.09 Libya, Ajdabiya Three people are killed when a suicide bomber plows into a checkpoint. All three were wondering, why they were stationed at a checkpoint.

2018.03.09 Syria, Jaramana Two civilians are torn limb-from-limb by a Sunni rocket. 3 others are planning to never walk again.

2018.03.08 Pakistan, Quetta Sunni radicals fire on two Shiites sitting outside their house, killing one. Survivor is wondering why they were sitting outside.

2018.03.08 Iraq, Adhaim Two customs officials are kidnapped and murdered by Mujahideen. The pay was good, but not that good!

2018.03.08 Afghanistan, Faryab Three women and a child are among five civilian lives cut short by the Taliban. Just another day in the "Shithole" known as Afghanistan...

2018.03.08 Iraq, Baghdad A Christian doctor, his wife, and mother are viciously stabbed to death in their home. In Iraq, this is the Christian thing to to...

2018.03.07 Afghanistan, Spin Boldak At least four locals are taken out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber on a motorcycle. The three that were injured, were reported as saying "who the hell knew they were using motorcycles now?..

2018.03.07 Iraq, Badush An ISIS bomb blast claims two lives, the sole survivor apparently blames the west, and is moving the England...

2018.03.07 Somalia, Afgoye A group fighting for Sharia bombs a car carrying four souls. This strikes a critical blow to the Carpool movement that was sweeping the area...

2018.03.07 Syria, Aleppo A brutal attack by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham produces three dead civilians. All were wondering why we did not vote Gary Johnson for president.

2018.03.07 Syria, Idlib A Sunni group named Katibat al-Tawhid wal-Jihad murders two civilians, both were wondering what the hell they were still doing living as civilians in Syria

2018.03.07 Afghanistan, Jalalabad A suicide bomber takes out a religious rival, killing 2, and wounding 11. Bomber reportedly regrets not having another shot at a bakers dozen.

2018.03.07 Bangladesh, Jaleshwar Militant Muslims strangle a Hindu priest and loot his house. Unfortunately, being a Hindu priest, they reportedly came up empty handed.

2018.03.07 Pakistan, Quetta Sunni gunmen fire on a Shiite mosque, killing a guard. Guard was thankful that he no longer has to live in suspense.

2018.03.06 Syria, Jaramana Three civilians lose their lives in a targeted attack by Sunni terrorists. Again, these people were caught wondering why they were still civilians in Syria.

2018.03.06 Iraq, Saadiya A paramedic is kidnapped and murdered by the Islamic State. Adding credibility to the old idiom, "ya can't win, for losing".

2018.03.06 Syria, Al-Bab A suicide car bomber takes out a bystander, who was wishing he knew that the guy next the him, was aspiring to become a suicide bomber.

2018.03.06 Nigeria, Dikwa Four loggers collecting wood are obliterated by Boko Haram shrapnel. Proving, that if you are logging in Nigeria, you need to have your head examined.

2018.03.06 Nigeria, Gamboru Three civilians are slaughtered in their own village by Islamists, obviously immediately regretting inviting Islamists into their village.

2018.03.06 Iraq, Baghdad Muslim 'insurgents' shoot a traffic cop to death. Iraqi chapter of Black Lives Matters, calls for national day of celebrations.

2018.03.06 Afghanistan, Nangarhar Two people are blown to pieces when fundamentalist bombers target an oil tanker. Fundamentalists told onlookers, they represented the religion of Pieces.

2018.03.06 Iraq, Baghdad A shopper is disintegrated by a Religion of Peace bomb blast outside a store. Shopper, thanked heaven that it was such a tolerant bomb, and did not discriminate based on Race, Sex, or Religion.

2018.03.05 Syria, Idlib A Hayat Tahrir al-Sham attack produces one dead civilian. It was a slow news day in Syria.

2018.03.05 Nigeria, Muna Dalti A suicide bomber on a bicycle pedals his way to paradise, taking three others with him. One of the three actually won the bet on that one, but was unable to collect.

2018.03.05 Nigeria, Gero Three students are slaughtered by Allah Miyetti. All three were upset about being unaware of the existence of Allah Miyetti, they blamed the CNN news-feed at the airport wifi terminal hotspot, where they liked to congregate...

2018.03.04 Iraq, Tal Keif Separate attacks by Jihadists leave two dead. Three were critically wounded, and are tired of being sent to the hospital for injuries received, just for walking down the street.

2018.03.04 Syria, Shamiku Three civilians are murdered by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham. All three were upset that they could not even pronounce the name of those that killed them.

2018.03.04 DRC, Beni ADF Islamists ambush and kill seven locals, and wound 8 others. Reported to be Trumps fault.

2018.03.04 Thailand, Yingo Muslim 'insurgents' shoot a 69-year-old rubber tapper in the head. Proving that Thailand is not always the land of smiles, especially in the southern Provence.

2018.03.03 Bangladesh, Sylhet A seminary student stabs a secular writer he accuses of being an 'enemy of Islam.' Finally proving that Secularism is the Enemy of Islam.

2018.03.03 Somalia, Jowhar al-Shabaab Islamists bomb and then open fire on Burundi peacekeepers, killing three, and wounding seven others, all of whom agree, that life would have been better had they not quit being Somali pirates.

2018.03.03 Afghanistan, Wardaz Two children are caught in the cross-fire during a Taliban ambush. Taliban were upset over losing two prospective sex slaves.

2018.03.03 Syria, Aleppo Jabhat Tahrir Suriya members kill a civilian. Three survivors have decided to take Macron up on his offer, and relocate to France.

2018.03.03 Syria, Raqqa An Islamic State bomb blast claims two civilians. Both of whom thought they were the very last Civilians in Syria.

2018.03.03 Afghanistan, Khak-e-safed Three civilians are executed by the Taliban. They all blamed America, for not getting rid of the Taliban, like they said that they would.

2018.03.03 Syria, Deir al-Zour Two civilians are neatly dispatched by an Islamic State bomb, two others are injured. They also thought they were the last Civilians in Syria.

2018.03.02 Iraq, Kifri A shepherd is shot to death by the Islamic State. Guy was like 'Come on, I'm just a lowly shepherd tending my flock. Then he realized that he made the mistake of choosing goats.

2018.03.02 Pakistan, Pehlwan Banda A Shiite schoolteacher is gunned down by Sunni radicals. He was prepared for this though, given the history of Shiites and Sunnis.

2018.03.02 Kenya, Fino Ward al-Shabaab members attack, kills five local cops, and wounds five others. Kenya Chapter of Black lives Matters issues a statement stating that members of the attack had better work harder to reach their quota.

2018.03.02 Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou A wave of Nusrat al-Islam attacks in the capital leaves 90 wounded, and eight others dead. The Nusrat al-Islam issued a statment, stating that they were working harder to achieve notoriety, in the eyes of the world, for the honor of Allah.

2018.03.02 Afghanistan, Kabul A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders a young girl, and 22 onlookers were injured. Apparently he needed to send more virgins to heaven, because they appear to be running out.

2018.03.02 Somalia, Afgoye A suicide bomber kills a guard, and wounds 3 others. All were wondering if pirating might possibly be a less dangerous profession.

2018.03.02 Somalia, Lower Shabelle Four injured persons are killed when bombers hit their ambulance. 2 drivers were left needing another ambulance to take them to the hospital.

2018.03.02 Nigeria, Rann Three humanitarian workers are left dead after a Boko Haram attack. The humanitarians blamed white privilege, those were their dying words...

2018.03.02 Nigeria, Buni Yadi Boko Haram straps a teenage girl with a bomb and sends her into a rival mosque during Friday prayers, Proving once again, that there is no where safe but a Muslim free country, and if you are a Muslim, then this is just part of lifes trials and tribulations.

2018.03.02 Yemen Trim A moderate cleric is assassinated inside a mosque by a radical gunmen. Apparently, they ran out of Tolerance for that Moderate, that day in Yemen.

2018.03.02 Iraq, Abu Ghraib A civilian at a market is sent to Allah by Mujahid bombers, two others survive with injuries, and stated that this was just a normal day for them.

2018.03.01 Nigeria Kaya An elderly woman is gunned down during a raid by Boko Haram. The three survivors, were thankful that they took the one who had lived a long life already.

2018.03.01 Somalia, Mogadishu al-Shabaab fires a mortar outside a sports stadium that kills three civilians, wounds 3 others, and all five had wished they had remained inside the stadium, or hiding under their floorboards at home.

2018.03.01 Somalia, Kahda A Shahid suicide bomber kills at least two, and critically injures three others, All were shocked that something so bad, could happen in Somalia.

2018.03.01 Nigeria, Tchikide A suicide bomber rams a vehicle, killing both occupants, Boy were they happy that he decided not to use his guns.

2018.02.28 Pakistan, Nauhisar A suicide bomber kills four security personnel. Black Lives Matters of Pakistan issued a statement, congratulating the man, on the success of his mission.

2018.02.28 Mali, Mopti Four UN peacekeepers are blown to bits by Jihadi bombers. It was literally in the Job description, but they did not take it seriously.

2018.02.28 Pakistan, Quetta A Sunni group claims a shooting attack that leaves two dead. Just out having Islamic fun, it would seem.

2018.02.28 Syria, Bab al-Hawa Hayat Tahrir al-Sham members eliminate three civilians. Reportedly stating that there was now three less infidels to feed.

2018.02.28 Syria, Daraa A Sunni group fires a shell into a residential area, killing two unfortunates, and wounding eighteen others. Seems the only way to leave Syria, is through ISIS recruitment, and western migration, or a body bag...

2018.02.27 Nigeria, Tambo Muslim terrorists burn down churches and kill twenty innocents, including a pastor. Apparently stating that is was too difficult to convert this one into another Mosque.

2018.02.27 Mali, Douentza At least six Malians are sent to Allah by Sharia advocates. Apparently, the only way to get anyone to warm up to the idea of Sharia, is by killing them, or threatening them with death, Sounds like fun times, no?...

2018.02.27 Afghanistan, Kandahar A fundamentalist group murders six police officers. Black Lives Matters, Afghanistan chapter, issues a notice, that quotas have now been met, and celebrations will ensue.

2018.02.27 Afghanistan, Nangarhar A man is tied up and stoned to death for adultery. It was in the Koran, so it seems totally justifiable.

2018.02.27 Iraq, Karashabak Three civilians are cut down by ISIS gunmen. Because, who really needs all these civilians mucking about, I mean really?!

2018.02.27 Iraq, Baghdad Islamic radicals shoot one man and stab two others to death. Just because shooting them was getting boring, and ammo now getting expensive.

2018.02.26 Syria, Hazano Hayat Tahrir al-Sham pour shells into a residential area, killing six civilians. Apparently, they felt the citizens were getting soft, with the lack of Islamic terrorism in Syria this month.

2018.02.26 Syria, East Ghout A Jaysh al-Islam missile takes out a civilian. They were disappointed, and have contacted the Iranians to see if it was still covered under warranty.

2018.02.26 Afghanistan, Baba Wali Two civilians are taken out by the Taliban, and it was not to dinner and a movie. Boy were they disappointed!

2018.02.26 Iraq, Tarmiya Jihadis bomb a popular market, killing one innocent. Because what is a good market in Iraq, without the occasional bombing, to celebrate your religion, am I right?...

2018.02.26 DRC, Kagabe A priest is among six villagers murdered by suspected ADF. Apparently, when in hell, your prayers won't save you!

2018.02.26 Nigera, Kasuwan Magani A dozen Christians are reportedly killed in retaliation for rescuing two girls from forced conversion. Unfortunately these Christians learned the ugly truth, that the Templar order discovered, but Knights they were not...

2018.02.25 Cameroon, Bourvare Two Fedayeen suicide bombers take out four villagers. The rest of the Villagers petitioned the UN for Refugee Relocation.

2018.02.25 Afghanistan, Yahyahel A bomb planted on a motorbike disintegrates three bystanders at a market. Another Radical Muslim Motorbike Bomb, God I hate those, thought the bystanders.

2018.02.25 Pakistan, Tando Adam A man tracks down his wife and sister and honor kills them for allegedly sleeping around. Insecurity seems to be an issue, when your a Muslim who likes the Hijab...

2018.02.25 Iraq, Balad Ruz Islamic State members open fire on a group of shepherds, killing one. The survivor wishes he had not survived.

2018.02.25 India, Budgam A guard outside a Sufi shrine bleeds to death after being shot twice by devotees of traditional Islam. This was also listed in the job description, but he skipped that part of the contract.

2018.02.25 India, Soura A policeman is shot to death by extremists while on guard duty at a residence. India chapter of Black Lives Matters, denounced the extremists, as ineffective, and asked that they redouble their efforts.

2018.02.24 Afghanistan, Kabul A former politician is assassinated along with two bodyguards by a fundamentalist group. He quickly learned that this was not the place where you want to be a former Politician.

2018.02.24 Afghanistan, Nad Ali Two locals are laid out by a suicide bomber fourteen others are Injured. All were said to be getting sick of all the suicide bombers in their neighborhood.

2018.02.24 Yemen, Aden A mother and three children are among fourteen souls sent to Allah by two suicide car bombers. Forty three others are injured in the attacks. All were reportedly upset, they did not expect this, being that it was not a Christmas market.

2018.02.24 Iraq, Kirkuk Islamic militants attack an oil facility, killing two guards, and wounding two others. Apparently, when bored in Iraq, just attack the local oil facility.

2018.02.24 Afghanistan, Kabul A suicide bomber detonates in a diplomatic area, killing two guards. CNN reports that this was an accidental detonation, and in no way to be misconstrued as Islamic terrorism.

2018.02.24 Syria, Aleppo Jabhat Tahrir Suriya members murder a civilian, and try to Murder others, but they were running low on civilians in Aleppo

2018.02.24 Syria, Idlib Five civilians are brought down by Jabhat Tahrir Suriya. Seven others are injured in what is reported to have been, a decidedly slow day for Islamic Terrorism in Syria.

2018.02.23 Cameroon, Kordo Three innocents lose their lives to Boko Haram, who are said to have been feeling pressure for not keeping up with the other Islamic groups, when it comes to body count.

2018.02.23 Syria Damascus A Sunni group sends shells into a neighborhood, killing one resident, forty three others were wounded. The insurgent in charge of shelling, was promoted to suicide bomber.

2018.02.23 Afghanistan, Bala Buluk A brutal attack on a checkpoint leaves over two dozen dead.
Apparently they missed the Democratic memo on Gun Control.

2018.02.23 Afghanistan, Lashkar Gah Jihadis set off a car bomb at a parking lot, killing a bystander. They got tired of laying in wait, and decided to call it a day...

2018.02.23 Somalia, Mogadishu A suicide bombing is one of two attacks that leave forty-five dead, Thirty six others wounded. Allah only knows how many virgins that guy is going to get...

2018.02.22 Syria, Damascus Three civilians are aerated by Jaish al Islam shrapnel. Just your average Thursday afternoon in Damascus.

2018.02.22 Afghanistan, Zabul Five Afghans are hit with a roadside bomb and then peppered with rifle fire by religious extremists. Because, hitting them with a roadside bomb, just didn't feel like enough...

2018.02.21 Chad, Lake Chad Two border guards are murdered by Boko Haram. The local Democrats plan to use this to advance their case for Open borders in Chad.

2018.02.21 Iraq, Domiz A cleric is assassinated by suspected rivals. Because they obviously were no fans of his interpretations of the Koran.

2018.02.21 Syria, Anbar Twenty truck drivers are brutally executed by the Islamic State. This is what happens when you refuse to drive your trucks into crowds for Allah.

2018.02.21 Nigeria, Dapchi Two kidnapped schoolgirls are murdered by Boko Haram. This is believed to have been used to intimidate the other 13 into accepting their fate as future sex slaves.

2018.02.21 Afghanistan, Ko Toop Fundamentalists spray a vehicle carrying government employees with automatic weapons fire, killing five. Local Democrats rally around this case, for Gun control on semi automatics.

2018.02.21 Afghanistan, Rubat Religious extremists machine-gun eight policemen at a checkpoint. 3 others Hospitalized. Black lives matters Afghanistan chapter, issued an apology, and called on the doctors to finish the job.

2018.02.21 Libya, Jufra Three Libyans are disintegrated by a suicide car bomber. The three that survived, wishes they had also been disintegrated.

2018.02.21 Mali, Sahel Two French troops are killed by Jihadi bombers while on patrol.
Both of them figure their odds were far worse at home thanks to the liberals who have been in charge there.

2018.02.20 Cameroon, Salamassali Religion of Peace proponents burn down houses and massacre six civilians. Just the local mosque, spreading a little love, and cheer.

2018.02.20 Syria, East Ghouta Sunnis pour shells into non-Sunni neighborhoods, killing nine civilians, and injuring forty nine others. When asked about the incident, they stated that they did not care what faith the people were, as long as they were non-Sunni, and if any Sunni were injured in the attack, they deserve it, for conspiring with the infidels.

2018.02.20 Afghanistan, Jalalabad Three tribal elders are killed when Sharia advocates bomb a hotel. Three others survive, but Sharia advocates vow that they will continue until the job us done.

2018.02.20 Iraq, Mosul A father and son are eliminated by an Islamic State landmine. The Muslim version of "killing two birds with one stone".

2018.02.20 Afghanistan, Achin Ten civilians are discovered murdered by Islamic State members.
Apparently, it is a crime to be a Civilian in Afghanistan

2018.02.20 Afghanistan, Farah A woman is among three civilians aerated by Jihadi shrapnel. A clear indication, that shrapnel does not discriminate.

2018.02.20 Afghanistan, Bashikod Two locals are blown to bits by Taliban bombers. As if you could be blown up any other way in Afghanistan

2018.02.19 Algeria, Cherchar Two local security personnel are picked off by fundamentalist bombers. 1 other survived, but we'll go ahead and use picked off anyways.

2018.02.19 Afghanistan Bala Buluk Sixteen policemen are murdered by the Taliban. Nine are left in critical condition. Black Lives Matters Afghanistan calls for celebration, and states that "more pigs in a blanket, will fry like bacon", before the day is through.

2018.02.19 Afghanistan Nad Ali Fundamentalists roll up on a police checkpoint and riddle five local cops with bullets. Six are hospitalized from the onslaught. Black Lives Matters Afghanistan, upset with the low ratio, issued a statement promoting the success of the earlier attack that killed sixteen. Stated they were dispatching a small contingent to the hospital, to finish off the survivors of the two attacks.

2018.02.19 Iraq, Kirkuk Two dozen Iraqis are machine-gunned by an Islamist group at a fake checkpoint. Proving that they probably should have consulted with SNOPES beforehand.

2018.02.19 Afghanistan, Ghazni Two Afghans lose their lives to a Taliban attack. When it was a ll said and done, it was ruled to have been a very very slow day in Afghanistan.

2018.02.18 Iraq, Ramdaniyah One-hundred and eleven Iraqis are discovered in a mass grave after having been shot by the Islamic State. Other graves were reported, but the inspectors were so horrified, they declined to further investigate.

2018.02.18 Dagestan, Kizlyar An Islamic seminary student fires on a church service, killing five female worshippers. All five were happy that they were not raped first.

2018.02.18 Syria, Qamishli A car bomb targeting a Kurdish neighborhood claims five residents. boy is Syria the wrong place to be, if your a Kurd.

2018.02.18 Afghanistan, Kot The bodies of a dozen civilian hostages are discovered a year after their abduction by the Islamic State. Simultaneously putting both the Mexican, and Chinese Human trafficking rings to shame!

2018.02.18 Iraq Rutba A well-place ISIS bomb kills two Iraqis, and wounds five others. ISIS issued a report saying that they felt that it was not placed well enough.



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