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RE: Ethics of drone killing on American soil?

in #politics8 years ago

This was murder and revenge.
They had him surrounded by swat teams and simply decided to kill him. No judge, jury, or trial, they killed the threat instead of doing their jobs. The police had superior manpower, defensive equipment, gas, tazers, riot shields, beanbag guns, and snipers pinning the guy down. And they decided to drive a robot with C4 up to the guy and fucking blow him up.

That police chief just authorized the use of a wartime tactic on a US citizen they had surrounded. This is what happens when Obamas legalized drone killing without a trial is accepted as normal, eventually the practice makes it back home to be used on citizens. Unless people start to think rationally instead of emotionally, killing suspects like this this will become normalized and accepted too.

People need to start calling and shouting about this one, or we are all in danger from legalized weaponized drones.


Well, I definitely agree with you that if people let this slide, we will be seeing it happen all the time. After Obama authorized the killing of the first US citizen on foreign soil, I said it was just a matter of time before it started happening here. And now it has.