Live from Twilight Zone America

in #politics7 years ago

What a week in the USA.

Post Charlottesville cities across the nation have had demonstrations and rally's from both sides of our radicalized political parties. While I watched as a spectator via periscope and youtube and collected video to make my own videos on this subject I was grateful that I put that life behind me and didnt have to feel obligated to participate in the orgies of hate and violence that seem to transgress every time Antifa shows its face. Yep, I'm in the Ac in my comfy chair and every time I got tired of the yelling and inane babbling of uninformed miscreants I could just hit the pause button and it all went away. Life's good right.

Well some things you can never escape and when you try and hide from them as I have by changing locales and restarting a new life these things have away of finding you. I have a part time job in my new community at a local bar I got so I could make friends, meet people and stop being such a hermit. I've got great repertoire with the clientele and the management and I'm the most talked about server on yelp with outstanding reviews. Its become a bit of a home away from home to me.

So Monday after Charlottesville of course it was the talk of the town and as I expected the usual drones were repeating the preapproved rhetoric and talking points of MSM that Trumps a Nazi, anyone who supports Trump is a Nazi, Wont somebody please assassinate the president. Things that not long ago would be repugnant to voice out loud are now casual conversation topics. I ignored this and did what I do which is work.

Later on I was sitting and eating alone at a table when a co worker joined me and struck up a conversation.

"I'm in a FB fight with a friend who says they support Trump and I told him you cant support without being a racist and he's telling me that he is not racist, Can you believe it" She said.

Without missing a beat I responded "I support Trump. Does that make me a racist?"

She went white like she had seen a ghost and I was preparing my defense debate to bring up the talking points of how NAFTA and TPP were trash legislation and I am glad to see them go and term limits on congress were a good thing but before I could say anything she was gone. Inevitably as I expect from a girl in her early 20s the gossip started a flying and whispered accusations and awkward glances. No debate, no defense, just fuck me for being a Nazi sympathizer. This was not a big deal by any means because actions speak louder than words and my character outshines rumor, I filed the experience under odd and moved on with my life.

Fast forward to today a couple had a great experience dining and I spent some extra time with them since they were great people. The woman got up to use the bathroom and as I came to collect the rather generous tip I told the gentlemen I hope they come back and see me soon.

"We will" he said "You keep shining that light and being true to yourself (This guy was super positive like that our entire meeting) and for God sakes don't ever vote Democrat."

I laughed "Don't even get me started man". I probably should have just stopped there but as Ive been told many times I need a better mouth filter.

"You know I've voted Democrat my whole life minus one vote for Ron Paul but it will be a cold day in hell before I ever vote Democrat again until this radicalized Democratic party does some serious soul searching."

And so opened a great dialogue between me and this new friend and I explained my transformation and the events that lead to me getting redpilled (There will be many a post about this later). We were laughing and had gotten on the topic of raising children in the current political climate when his date returned. She jumped in curious with questions and generally seemed interested in the conversation up until a point when she flipped the script after a real life story of my daughter being harassed and teased by classmates for being half German and doing Nazi salutes at her in the halls between class and flat out calling her Nazi to tease her.

She told me she was German and she had never been called a Nazi and basically insinuated I made up a true story to fit into some Nazi rhetoric I was pushing. Her tone changed and she said "You sir should be neutralized"

I was taken a back not sure what that really meant and she told me bluntly. "Your job is to get me my drink and bring me my food and you are out of line bringing these topics up."

"My job." I explained. "Is to entertain guests and make sure they have a good time and me and your boyfriend were having a great conversation and enjoying ourselves and you looked pretty engaged your self up until now. I have to remind you it was my guest who brought up this conversation."

They guy got upset with her and went on tirades of his girlfriend living in a bubble and being sheltered from the real world and she got mad yelling about how i should be fired immediately. The whole while Elton Johns Piano Man is playing in my head "The waitress is practicing politics.....". Shit just got awkward real quick. The guy slipped me another $20 and told me to never change while they bickered on the way out of the restaurant.

I'm fully expecting the YELP review about the Nazi waiter who dared enter a civil debate with a customer who willingly participated and initiated the conversation. One of the things the man had said after the Neutralization comment stuck with me. "This is what you get with the left. They don't have ideas or rebuttals they just have threats." And that's true. while so many are busy painting so many people they have met in their lives with the Nazi label there is this great world out here where We the People are enjoying life, each others company and having debates about solutions rather than calling every one else the problem.

Identity politics is TOXIC! We are human beings not skin color, gender and sexual orientations. We are not many small groups separated by how we are different we are a big group of the human race united by how we are the same.


Though we may know Him by a thousand names, He is one and the same to us all.

- Mahatma Gandhi

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