Shadow Government Of the U.K Explored: The GCHQ

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


"Various political thinktanks and lobby organizations across Britain have been funded into existence by the MI5,MI6,George Soros,Israel,Qatar and elements of the ever-expanding Prison Industrial Complex to distract the public and divert their attention from the unconstitutional actions of the British GCHQ.
If the British people were ever the awaken to the tricks employed by those who truly rule over them, the Western world would not only be able to survive the machinations of the Kalergi Plan but also possibly stop the "Greater Israel Project" as it was the British Empire alongside the Rothschild Banking Dynasty which founded the Terrorist State of Israel.The Globalist role of the British GCHQ is minor compared to the Israeli MOSSAD but the surveillance state it intends to impose on Britain is far more ambitious"
~TSR Editor

The U.K is filled with social media obsessed infantalized manchildren/sensitive women who loves to put everything they do on the internet and that is why it has become extremely easy for intelligence agencies like the MI5,MI6, and the GCHQ to not only collect these types of information but also use it to manipulate public opinion.

What you need to know about the GCHQ:

-Former Director of the GCHQ, Robert Hannigan(2014-2017) is involved with the Clintons and is part of the clique pushing for the whole "Trump Russia Collusion" bullshit which serves as nothing more than a distraction from the actual crimes committed by the Zionist Neocon President.

-Is known for hiring Teenage hackers to do their dirty work(because apparently when you are an intelligence agency,it's somehow fine to exploit or use youngsters for political gain)

-Is known for it's strong stance against cryptocurrencies and constantly tries to closely monitor Bitcoin.

-Views/stores data of U.K citizens without government warrant

-Former spy chief(s) of the GCHQ have been known for/accused of sexually molesting/sexually assaulting women

-Has intimate ties to George Soros and the Rothschilds though it is unclear whose side they are on with the whole Rothschild/Rockefeller/Soros divide

-Was exposed by Edward Snowden for their use of the secret "Tempora"
programme which they attempted to use to collect the online data and the telephone data of every citizen living in the U.K

The above facts are barely scratching the surface of the real powers of the British GCHQ but as always, it is up to you to continue your research.The current toxic political climate of the U.K where some people are blaming everything on muslims and turning to Zionist groups such as Britain First to "save Western Civilization from these "evil" muslims" while never exposing the real enemies of the people which would be the intelligence agencies and the Central Banks of the U.K should be very telling of their real agenda.

Neither the muslims nor the Whites are your real enemies.The duty of a real patriot is to protect his country from his government."


GCHQ recruiting teenage hackers:

GCHQ closely monitoring Bitcoin:

GCHQ Spies On U.K people without government warrant:

Former GCHQ Spy Chief Molest/Sexually Assault Women: