Is Trump looking at replacing Janet Yellen as Fed Chairman?

in #politics7 years ago

President Donald Trump plans to formally interview Janet Yellen this week about potentially staying on as Federal Reserve chair, two people familiar with the matter said.

The meeting will come as Trump nears a decision on filling the world’s most important central banking job. Many Republicans on Capitol Hill want Trump to move on from Yellen, whose first term ends in February, and choose a more traditionally conservative Fed chair.

Trump sharply criticized Yellen during the presidential campaign, but has spoken more positively of her in recent months and said he is considering keeping her in the job. “I like her and I respect her, but I haven't made that decision yet,” Trump told reporters last month.

It looks like Trump might soon replace Janet Yellen as Fed Chairman. The media is reporting Trump has narrowed his list down to Five people including yellen to Chair the Federal Reserve during is term in office. Personally I don't think Yellen has a chance in hell of staying on as chairman since she has been trying to stall the economy with her latest increases in interest rates.

Trump wants to keep the stock market at record highs. He also wants to spend trillions on infrastructure and the only way he could possible do all that is to keep rates low, inflate the money supply and lower the value of the dollar. So Miss Yellen has not been playing ball with Trump's plan so I think she will be out the door very soon.

I think the stock market will react very positively when Trump announces the new Fed Chairman.


Replacement of Janet Yellen would be a start. It'd be funny if Trump put Rand Paul in as the Chairman of the Fed. Ultimately this private, vampiric, den of vipers and thieves needs to be abolished .

We need someone to audit the fed and get rid of it ultimately. It has trillions unaccounted for that were likely used for illegal govt activity and funding other nations wars.

We could only hope. This should push the stock price up if he does. Finally lets get someone in there that will just shoot America straight.

Now this is great, the Federal Exchange according to conspiracy theorists is owned by private people who are the ones who hold most of the economic power in the world and yet president Trump can fire the Feds chair person. Isn't there something wrong with this scenario?

I think that's how the law was written back in 1913 when congress created the federal reserve. The only thing strange is the rules and lack of regulations surrounding the federal reserve.