President Trumps call to Gold Star Widow.

in #politics7 years ago

Video of Trump talking to a Widow that just lost her husband in the line of duty.

Notice the army officer sitting next to her. He is a grievance counselor for the military and that is his phone this lady is using to talk to the president. So Trump is well aware of multiple people being the room and notice there's no politician in the room either just family and this counselor.

So if they want to make a deal about this other conversation Trump had with this other widow how about they ask the grievance counselor in that case if the family was truly upset because someone had to be in the room to give them the phone because the president doesn't just call you up on your personal cell phone.

But notice how the president sounds in this conversation. He sounds very genuine and truly interested in her family. That doesn't sound like a cold heartless person to me like the media is trying to portray of him.


Another example of The Democrats going low, making up lies, and using the biased mainstream media to spread the lies and slander President Trump.

Keep it up losers!

Dishonest trickery like the will destroy you!

i agree, lie after lie they have been exposed. Trump truly is a man of the people and not of his own interest and the interest of his donors like the presidents before him

great video thank you