The Great Faker: Robert Mueller

in #politics6 years ago

The Great Faker: Robert Mueller

Every single one of Robert Mueller’s important investigations has ended in failure and disaster. Robert Mueller specializes in thwarting justice while giving the appearance of legitimacy.

With a large swathe of the country finally realizing what millions of Americans have already known for years, Robert Mueller has “botched” yet another important investigation. Like allowing Jeffrey Epstein to openly operate as a pedophile pimp in exchange for information; the “frame job” in the Anthrax investigation that was used to assert greater authoritarianism in America; or managing to see to it that they left the curious and unsolved collapse of a whole building out of the 9/11 Commission report; Mueller has been faking investigations his entire career to cover for high level corruption.

Soros is the top of the pyramid for a giant RICO conspiracy.

This deal means the FBI helped The Clinton Foundation accept bribes for a Uranium One deal.

This means Mueller, who was head of FBI at the time allowed it to happen.

This means FBI was aware of pay to play and collusion with Russian companies by The Clinton Foundation while Hillary was secretary of state.

Comey's draft memo cleared Hillary before she was even interviewed.

Mueller's tight with The Clinton Foundation. He is a fake Republican.

A black market uranium smuggler was caught with uranium on its way from Novosibirsk (Rosatom's chemical concentration plant) to Iran. The Russians refused to help the Georgian authorities, who had to let the smuggler walk after a short time in jail. Georgia, then asked for the US to help in the investigation where they sent a sample of the HEU, enriched just under weapons grade. Mueller, himself, rather than admit where the uranium came from RETURNED THE EVIDENCE HIMSELF TO RUSSIA, hand delivering the HEU sample on a TARMAC in Russia. Here is the cable that proves it:

In the Middle of the Russian "Reset", Mueller was already protecting the Uranium One.

Mueller has been investigated his own crime and pinned it on Manafort, while purportedly giving the Podestas immunity. They worked for Russia under the guise of the European Center for a Modern Ukraine to infiltrate the Ukrainian government.

Paul Brennan, who approved all the “Saudi Hijackers” visas at Jeddah Station also contributed to an alarming number of coincidences that deserve attention.

Robert Mueller is a criminal. His primary job is to cover for crimes being committed by the CIA and he accomplishes this by running his investigations as limited hangouts, where only the minimum amount of justice is applied in order to protect those who are paid into the protection racket. The Clinton Foundation is a payment receiving arm of a deep state sponsored protection racket that specializes in forensic interruption, using the media to work in tandem with law enforcement agencies and the court system through "fusion" projects that allow a complete infiltration of everyday life and normal organizations by our intelligence agency. Worse, is that these services are for sale to anyone with enough money, regardless of the laws that apply to you or me.

The FBI has a history of participating with media outlets to stage news narratives to sway the populace in favor of policies that are not in their best interests. A lot of those tricks the movies and TV shows feature are, in reality, unreliable.

One thing the FBI protects above all others, is the illusion that they are an authority on solving crimes, even though their actions prove that they are primarily concerned with covering them up. I posit that is because the CIA has riddled the FBI leadership with corrupt infiltrators who are not there to serve the country, but to protect clandestine activities. They aren’t “botching” investigations, they are using it as a cover for corruption.

James Comey operates under the exact same MO. He investigated Marc Rich, gave the appearance of justice, then let him go with a last minute pardon from his friends, the Clintons.

One early limited hangout of Robert Mueller’s was creatively letting his fellow Marines in the Hell’s Angels off the hook by failing to prosecute dozens of known criminals and using no evidence except witness testimony that was paid for. Even the 5 that were convicted were let go on appeal.

In a remarkable coincidence, Mueller was also made head of the FBI one week before the 9/11 attack, where we see he botches another investigation in favor of his friends in the Muslim Brotherhood, and where he botched the Anthrax attack that was used to pass legislation to spy on the American people, when even 9/11 proved not enough to sway the public. Later, these same friends would be involved in the Gulftainer deal that installed a great deal of foreign power next to important military assets in Florida.

While Mueller runs cover for the Russians, the same way Comey and the Clintons ran cover for Marc Rich, who was selling uranium to the Russians, Mueller and his law firm are putting in place a troubling national security threat where Islamic terrorism was allowed to take hold at Pt. Canaveral.

Mueller was meeting Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, then client of Paul Manafort. The meeting took place in Kyiv. The pair met about two months after the Boston Marathon bombing.

“I would like to focus on the most important issue for us – the issue of combating terrorism,” Mueller said, according to a Ukrainian Embassy’s Facebook post. “I would like to say thank you for the assistance provided to us after the Boston Marathon.”

In fact, there were a number of concerning aspects about the Boston Marathon Bombing and the coverage, at the time. Cover up after cover up; no one has explained how the news made this mistake, yet:

The Obama appointee, Aimen Mir, who also approved Uranium One with no paperwork in record time, also approved the questionable Gulftainer deal to buy Port Canaveral’s cargo container terminal to the Middle eastern company, which partners with the Russian state-owned firm ROSTEC, overseen Putin. So, not only are these traitors in government selling out to Russia, they are also selling out to organizations with known terrorist ties.

Robert Mueller wants terrorism. Robert Mueller wants nuclear terrorism. Robert Mueller is helping the media stage these events so that the Deep State can gain consent from the populace for asserting authoritarianism and subverting the Constitution.

Gulftainer is run by the brother of Saddam Hussein’s nuclear weapons chief. Let that sink in. He is friends with Obama, Clinton and Muelelr. ROSTEC owns the company that exports the Russian missile-launch container known as Club K. Obama and Clinton’s collusion with Russia undermined national security.

Gulf Shield Security Services an Iraqi company managed by Scott Ramsay, a British National. They developed a reputation for not paying their employees once they are in country and then delaying payment until they leave country, at which point said employees contract is subsequently terminated and they are not paid at all. This continues to happen due to large scale corruption and illegal activities being run by Scott Ramsay. Other activities that have been confirmed by confidential sources are Illegal Weapons usage and dealing weapons with known terrorist groups for profit, bulk narcotics (Cocaine and Heroin) transported and distributed throughout Basra and the surrounding provinces. Sex trafficking of very young Iraqi girls and boys is also a favored activity of Mr. Ramsay who is also a frequent user of the large amounts of narcotics that he transports inside his armored convoys.

If we are calling a spade and spade, this plan, implemented by high level government officials, is particularly traitorous. Why are we allowing known terrorists to establish irreversible footholds in the US economy on US soil?

In this picture, you can see where Mossack Fonseca is part of Putin's money laundering chain to himself. He takes State money, pushes it through a layered series of financial entities, then gives it back to himself. Ruben Vardanyan is one of several middle men in this process. This is how "oligarchs" are part of the money laundering process. An integral part.

Troika Dialogue, is a node of one of these nodes; the one that happened to be managed by Vardanyan. In the Panama Papers search, you can see how many other nodes are layered off of Troika Dialog, because third parties are an orgy of money launderers registering businesses.

So, now, your entity is just a few pieces of paper in some random office in the Caribbean, and, if they get busted, their secretary found to have 1200 businesses registered to her (though she is virtually penniless), and you are a drop in the bucket. That's how big black budgets are.
Troika Dialog paid into US politics, and that is what the the news is trying to hide from you. This document proves that (see the bottom.)

This one proves John Podesta, separately from the Podesta Group, takes money from Ruben Vardanyan, who funded Joule and who funded other funders of Joule, like Flagship Partners, to help enrich and launder through his Armenian friends.

But Mueller, the Podestas and Manafort were all working with Yanukovych on another political operation group project, The European Center for a Modern Ukraine. Joule and Troika are far from the only money trail. Prince Charles was being paid in this same manner out of Troika, but that is practically just a symbolic payment. It references a much deeper financial relationship between all of these parties. That is really what these political operation groups are desperate to keep you from figuring out.

The Panama Papers by Epix is a good primer.

This is the beginning of the FISA abuse scandal. I recommend this news broadcast on it that was never aired, "Under Surveillance".
It explains, in very specific detail, how corrupt leadership utilizes the spy apparatus against political enemies.

So, now that the Podestas have Russian money, it is now US black budget money, and they give it to the Center for American Progress who gives it to Media Matters, which funds David Brock Internet shilling campaigns, like Shareblue, Correct the Record, etc.
They also launder it to enrich, themselves, of course, and that is a role James Alefantis plays, this example being getting $11,600 to cater for a George Soros nonprofit:

He has a pizza shop, a bookstore, and a number of small businesses and Transformer Art Gallery. He is part of the money laundering cycle. He has Russian black budget money. David Brock has black budget money. John Podesta, Tony Podesta, the Clintons, the Clintons multiple NGO's, etc.
Here is an Internet shilling machines' menu:

So, drug money, gun running, human trafficking, etc, is earned with the consent of corrupt government officials, then gets cycled around into manipulating how you vote and spend your dollar so that they are able to stay in power.

This is the real Russian collusion and it is far from the only game in town. Russians, themselves, don't bother trying to influence America. It isn't effective. THEY HIRE OTHER AMERICANS TO INFLUENCE AMERICA. Just like every other country does.

That is why transparency of government is so important, because it is the only thing that will combat this. People in government need to be under the same level of scrutiny that intelligence bodies have been employing against the general populace.

The news is entirely organized around making sure you don't have a clear understanding of this process. In fact, the news and shilling machines have been trying very hard to make sure everyone thinks the opposite of what is going on is true.

A good example of a limited hangout is the Panama Papers documentary. It gives a lot of really good information, but leaves out a lot of important specifics. The Guardian reported on the Troika Laundromat giving to Prince Charles, but completely left out the Podestas, despite admissions and paperwork that prove it.

Three Pieces of primary source evidence, good enough for court, that blow apart the news narrative:

The Podesta Group's LD 1 disclosure forms; the one that proves there is a nexus between The Podesta Group, Mueller, Yanukovych and Manafort which totally destroys the narrative in the news.

The Podesta Group LD 1 disclosure form took money from the Kremlin's Sberbank and other entities that Putin is known to launder money to himself, through.

John Podesta's signed document that proves he got 100,000 shares of the Kremlin's faux clean energy company "Joule."

Almost no news outlet incorporates them into their reporting about Uranium One. One of the most extensive articles about Uranium One was done by the New York Times, "Cash Flowed to the Clinton Foundation Amid Uranium Deal." These pieces of evidence are not mentioned, nor did they ever bother to update their reporting. Despite that, their article is pretty damning. The NYT also fails to mention the human trafficking nexus surrounding the mining operations.

All of this has been standard operating procedure within the unelected echelons of government for our entire lives. Obama just allowed it to operate at a greater scale, likely at the behest of forces greater than himself.

Everything being put in front of your face in media, for you to consume, is designed to lead to away from coming to the correct conclusion that traitors have openly seized power in US government and the news is not going to help expose it, they are going to help cover it up.
