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RE: Will Your View Evolve Also? Next Year, Marijuana Could Be Legalized in the United States

in #politics7 years ago

Interesting. I don't know much about Marijuana. So I can't so much about it. But this article gives some points I never knew before.


Marijuana has never been a threat to us rather we have been the one that are threats to the innocent marijuana.

We abuse it, we misuse it, we over use it, we don't even care the right state of mind to use it.

Even medical drugs contains little bits of it to the dosage that is useful and it works, drug manufacturers are licensed to trade and use it because the are very cautious of the dosage impacts and effects while the lay persons don't. So we should speak of of its abuse and not usage.

We are the threats to our own selves and not marijuana.

Well said, damn. You're good!

Yup. The plant will heal the world.

Seriously, I never like to hear about it and now I'm seeing it being useful. Hmmmm. I just hope they wont legalize same sex marriage and find something good about it. It is well

Same sex marriage should always be allowed, and the good about it is, that two people who love each other can be together legally. You should not have any problem with that! it does not matter how you look or what you are !

It is legal in the US; happiness is a good thing for everyone.

Yes sir @wf9877 I Agree with you. this article gives some point we never knew before

There is a focus on this article on legalization for recreational purposes, but there is a long history of medicinal use of cannabis. I believe there are currently 29 states in the US that recognize the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes. I myself have a medical prescription for it and use it to manage pain in my shoulder that can't really be addressed unless I have surgery (which may not work) or pills. Easy choice to me...

I do not know much about the subject either, but it's very interesting and broad, you learn a lot

4000 years ago, Marijuana was first appeared only as a plant grown for many uses because of its fiber to make clothing, a paper, and rope in the Chinese culture. Marijuana is a plant that composed of the dried leaves, it has it's flowers, stems and a seed. Pharmacologic speaking, it's principal psychoactive constituent of cannabis is called tetrahydrocannabinol- which is one of 483 known compounds in the plant which includes more or less 84 other cannabinoids. For some, It is used as a psychoactive recreational drug for medical ailments and some also for religious and spiritual purposes.

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