Fighting for Freedom?

I was going to write an elaborate post about why I believe that none of the recent wars fought by the West are justifiable, but after a few lines I just went "meh" and deleted it.
Nevertheless, I'll give you a quick summary of what I intended to say:
The aim of these "conflicts" is to benefit the greedy elitists and war profiteers. There is no "freedom" to be fought for abroad, by invading other countries. Soldiers are being manipulated, and innocent people injured/killed for nothing.
Moreover, what this Nobel Peace Prize recipient is quoted to have said a few decades earlier closely reflects what the warmongers who want YOU to sacrifice yourselves overseas are thinking...

They, military ladies and gents, are the ones you've been misled into serving (and big companies who only care about their profit, even when it's at your expense). Fighting for them is a disservice to your country, to your loved ones and to yourselves.
Beautiful post
Thank you :)