
in #politics3 years ago

Funny how people victimized by totalitarian governments, such as Cuba and Hong Kong, love the American flag while Totalitarians hate it. Take note Critical Race Theory propagandists that in these two cases these people are NOT white. The reasons they fly the American flag and so many people(of all races and ethnicities) from all over the world come to America is for what that flag represents. The 4 main reasons America is full of hope is:

  1. The Declaration of Independence
  2. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights
  3. The American Implementation of #1 and #2 (while we have not always lived up to it we have strived to through political and violent means (only when necessary) with great success)
  4. We are the most wealthiest nation (but without the first 3 not only would this be meaningless but also would have never happened)

When I say that totalitarians hate it I would like to point out that includes Totalitarians in the U.S. All Marxism is included in that so those who espouse Marxism (Communism, Socialism, Fascism, etc.) are indeed totalitarian in thinking. Generally speaking those who do so also criticize and attack America because they hate it just as much as international Totalitarian Regimes do. Even organizations like BLM and Antifa are Marxist in nature and by that same nature hate America.

I am not writing this to simply attack Marxists in America but for those among them who believe they are good to reconsider their position as sometimes when you are to close to something you cant see it. Talk to an immigrant who has recently (1st Generation) escaped a Marxist nation. Read from people who have in the past such as Ayn Rand or Mosab Hassan Yousef. But understand that the Promise of America was, has been, and still is a Providential Plan for the best governing of citizens by citizens and protecting their natural God Given Rights! If you are against are evil.