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RE: Poll: Enhancing the "Mute" Feature

in #poll5 years ago

You really need to get some help man. The excessive aggression coming off of you signals a mental instability.
I do use Steemit except when on my phone and youre not muted though i should mute you.

See the majority of people dont mute opinions or dissagrements in arguments.
They mute people like you that are hostile, that throw around insults and ad hominems.

You are the exact reason why this SHOULD be implemented because you not only defile the comment section of the authors post with your conflict seeking attitude and shameless behavior but you act as a detterant to civil discussion hijacking the comment section and allienating civil individuals that want no part of it.
Mutinf comments on someones post gives the content creator the power to stop this kind of behavior and facilitate the kind of discussion they want on their content.

Their choice to do so is their statement of what they want to see disscused on their post.

If you can create a front end that does that, and is obviously considering this option, if you accept that a front end can control what is seen on their site, then why is it so hard to understand that extending that power beyond to the community is a good thing?

Im for more power to the people and less to organizations.
Its a shame you want to restrict that and not see it happen.


Anyways. Get yourself checked out. This aggresion youre showing is not normal.

Posted using Partiko Android



Sorry, clearly you're very confused and a certifiable mental midget. What the fuck were you laughing at again? That's what I thought you whack ass idiot. Lol

Preaching about aggression lmao. That is rich you idiot.

And now you get muted. 😂

Weak ass, bitch ass, ass ass.

Haha. Insults...

The last resort of insecure people with a crumbling position trying to appear confident.

Have a great day. 😘

Posted using Partiko Android

Or the go to repertoire of someone with zero tolerance for idiot shit and a joy to hurl insults while decisively rebutting the nonsense, to the point that even one emoji reckless attempt at shutting down the discussion only serves as a perfect platform to not only question the imbecilic ridicule but to further the discussion even more.

You're so dumb, you think you call lie about muting me on a publicly verifiable blockchain, or you are so stupid that instead of verifying that you indeed had muted me already, a mere trivially simple task, you would rather just go with your feelings or whatever you used to base your crap on. Lmao. Idiot, my new favorite word, I have to retire retard as my go to insult.

The other really hilarious thing, you think that my comments defile the content, but as the overwhelmingly vast majority disagree with this idiot suggestion, they will surely agree that what someone says about something doesn't mean that it's true, correct or what everyone else thinks, unless they do, and then it's not "defilement" to anyone but the idiots who begged to be "defiled" by opening their idiot holes.


Just had to read this. Now youre on mute.

Posted using Partiko Android

Lmao. As if I wasn't on mute already

Here's a clue you idiot :


If I'm on mute "now" where's the publicly verifiable proof one would expect. Lmao, you're such an idiot you can probably JUST barely work a keyboard and you thought you would shut me up with ridicule in response to some sensible remarks, the consequences of which only peg you more and more as "that idiot who burned his girlfriend's face because he thought throwing gas on a camp fire was neat".

Literally what you remind me of, someone so imbecilic that I shudder to think the harm they leave in their idiot way.

Lol this is funny right?


O no you're defiling the comment section, it must be sanitized or no Sane. Person will do what people generally do in such a situation, or ignore the perceived troll and simply discuss about the merits of what they wanted to discuss anyway.

If you consider me such a degenerate scumbag it only proves that you're an idiot by engaging me, or extremely bored, or maybe you could (lmao) shut me up with your remarks on the other options there are (sanitize the internet lol right? Make the safe space all-encompassing (that means big enough to cover everything, in case your idiot self struggles).

Dude's a tool, imo.
Thinks blowing stinc is a good thing.

Steemit on this issue is of the retarded mind that people want other people to have the option to decide for them what they can and can't see, and this is probably because they, like this idiot, think that comments under a post by anyone other than the posts author say something about the post itself, that they can devalue or infringe on the post but the matter of fact is that this is a public place, people are posting on a public place, and commenting on a public place, they aren't owed any kind of reservations, no one can own the place, only what they bring to it.

Lol, don't you know Stinc, et al, is steem royalty?
They decree how things are , and we like it.
Well, the morons that don't know better might like it, and maybe the cucks.
I don't like it, at all.

Not true, the EIP isn't their decree, nor was linear their decree, and if they really think they are royalty they need a lesson in history as a lot of dethroned kings and queens caution against abusing their position, along with many more exiled or executed.

It was announced and then witnesses were asked to support it.
We know the witnesses positions are contingent on keeping some of the et al happy.

Tell me something, is it an ad hominem simply because I made remarks about your capacities? Lol.

"he's a retard, he threw gasoline on a camp fire"

That's an ad hominem correct?

What about this

"the content creator should have control over other people's content posted under their content" which is the clearly communicated idea that you undoubtedly tried to articulate but failed miserably, and is remarking on the irony/hypocrisy of that foolish idea, and how stupid it is, an ad hominem, or a valid case and point? Lmao.

How cute, maybe you can figure out how mute works now? Lol