Jesus and the Pharisees: Give what is inside as a gift to the poor, and then everything will be clean for you. Luke 11:41

in #poor4 months ago

The Gospel of Luke relates that Jesus, after leaving the region of Galilee where he performed many miracles, headed toward his destination, which was the city of Jerusalem, and on his journey, he was invited by an important Pharisee to eat at his house. Probably this Pharisee, like the rich young man who asked Jesus how to obtain the spiritual gift of eternal life, was more motivated by spiritual curiosity to meet this remarkable person who was Jesus and to test him, than by sincere conversion to the Kingdom of God, the dominion or empire of God's perfections.
The Gospel of Luke relates that when Jesus entered the Pharisee's house and sat down to eat, the owner of the house noticed that Jesus did not wash his hands before eating. And it was at that moment that Jesus took up a classic teaching from the sapiential books, in particular the books of Proverbs and Ben Sira, the misfortune of the foolish and the hard of heart. There are two mindsets, two paths, and two rewards, this is a spiritual principle of biblical literature.
And with these words, Jesus criticized the excessive value placed on appearances by the owner of the house who invited him to eat: "You Pharisees clean the outside of cups and dishes. But inside you are full of greed and evil. You fools! Didn't the one who made the outside make the inside too? Give what is inside as a gift to the poor, and then everything will be clean for you" Luke 11:39-41.
With this speech by Jesus, the Gospel of Luke relates how the Pharisees, upset by his words, began to plot against Jesus, and thus the conspiracy that would end with Jesus on the cross began to take shape. As Jesus taught, the Kingdom of God is not only the opposition to hypocrisy and masks but also to the oppression that creates social suffering; there is nothing more destructive than the "business of ignorance" because hopelessness in people is nourished by this. This is why this gospel account ends with a criticism to the Pharisees for having seized the key to science, the wisdom, and for persecuting those who teach this science.
Jesus and the Pharisees. Give what is inside as a gift to the poor, and then everything will be clean for you. Luke 11,41.jpg
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