Poor people love each other deeply

in #poor11 months ago

Hello again, and here's another story for you. In Hangzhou, there was a woman named Wu Jiaoping who owned a gambling den and had amassed a significant fortune. She had a close relationship with the local magistrate responsible for criminal law, known as the "Yuanjing Shu." The Yuanjing Shu had always looked out for her.

However, one day, the Yuanjing Shu was transferred to a new position in Jiangxi Province, and this new magistrate was strict and determined to crack down on illegal activities. He demolished five gambling dens and planned to raid another five or six. Wu Jiaoping got wind of this news and decided to escape the city and seek help from a prominent family in Haining.

The Chas were a respected family in Haining, known for their connections and influence in government. Wu Jiaoping hoped to leverage these connections to resolve her troubles. However, as she set out for Haining, a sudden downpour caught her off guard. She sought shelter in a grassy pavilion.

While waiting for the rain to stop, a young man, ragged and carrying straw, approached her. He greeted Wu Jiaoping and struck up a conversation. They spoke for a while, and then the young man suggested that since it was raining heavily and getting dark, she should stay at his place for the night and continue her journey the next day.

Wu Jiaoping agreed, and they walked for about a mile to reach a stone-built courtyard with a thatched-roof house. The place was simple and run-down. The young man served her some water, and she noticed that there was hardly any food.

Wu Jiaoping couldn't help but feel disappointed. She had expected a meal, but all she got was a bowl of watery gruel. She felt uneasy but decided not to complain. After all, this poor family had shared their meager meal with her.

After a brief rest, Wu Jiaoping lay down to sleep. However, she couldn't sleep well. The bed was made of dry straw covered with a thin layer of cotton, and the accommodations were far from comfortable.

During the night, she heard the sound of someone entering the house. It was the young man who had offered her shelter. He lay down beside her on the same bed, and they spent the night together. When morning came, she found that he had not taken advantage of her.

As the day broke, Wu Jiaoping wanted to thank the young man for his kindness. She offered him some money as a token of her gratitude. He was surprised and said that his family was extremely poor, and they could hardly afford to feed themselves, let alone entertain guests. Wu Jiaoping insisted, but the young man declined her offer.

Instead, he told her that he would go and consult with his mother about the matter. Wu Jiaoping waited anxiously. When he returned, he explained that his mother had said they couldn't accept money from her. She emphasized that while they were poor, they still had some food to share.

Before leaving, Wu Jiaoping secretly placed a sum of money beneath the bed, hoping it would help them. She then bid farewell to the young man and continued her journey to Haining.

In Haining, she sought out the local magistrate and explained her situation. The magistrate sympathized with her and decided to investigate her case. Eventually, the matter was resolved, and Wu Jiaoping returned to Hangzhou.

On her way back, she remembered the kind family that had sheltered her from the rain. She decided to visit their home but was shocked to find it abandoned and in ruins. Inquiries with the neighbors revealed that the family had been very poor, and the son, Li Hesheng, had passed away not long after her visit. They had buried him in the backyard.

Wu Jiaoping was deeply moved by this revelation. She decided to honor the memory of Li Hesheng and his mother by purchasing a coffin and providing them with a proper burial. She also had a tombstone erected, which included an inscription to inspire future generations with the story of their selfless kindness.

This act of kindness had a lasting impact on Wu Jiaoping. After returning to Hangzhou, she gave up her gambling business voluntarily, and when she discovered the poverty and suffering of others, she would always remember the impoverished family who had shared their last meal with her.

Years later, this story was still remembered in the region, and it served as an inspiration for people to choose kindness over greed. It's a tale of the enduring power of human compassion and the profound impact that simple acts of generosity can have on the lives of others.

Thank you for listening to this story. If you enjoy listening to great stories, stay tuned for more.