Winners Never Quit

in #popcontest7 years ago


“Don't worry about not doing "it" perfectly right now. It's ok, just keep at it, you will soon settle in it and then you'll be glad you didn't give up.
This popular line says, "quitters never win and winners never quit".

Why worry about not getting it right, when you can strive harder and make it work. Challenges are morale boosters, challenges prepare you ahead of the success. The real fact is people who faces lots of challenges before making it are the best in management of wealth or success, because they knew what they passed through to attain the level they are now and won't want anything or anybody to taint what they worked and suffered for.

Good things never come cheap, using different professions as an example, you want the title of doctor or professor on your name, you will definitely work harder than someone who wants just Mr/Mrs to there name.
When you are faced by a challenge and you never let it knock you down, even when it knocks you down, you get up again and again until its job done, that's how to know a victor, when challenges knock you down, it hasn't overcome you until you give up, but if you keep trying, you are definitely a victor.

When you read about most success people like, Bill Gate, Professor Wole Soyinka, Clintonand the rest to say a few, they never said it was easy making it, or they got it right at there first attempt, but they never gave up and continue to work towards it until they achieve there aim.
Checking the histories of must important and popular scientists, they performed many failed experiments before getting it right, many experimented and failed more than hundred times, but they got it right at the end because of dedication.

The gap between success and failure is "challenges", and once the gap is closed by not quitting, then there is room for optimum success.


A promise of quick and easy money is often a scam.... If there is no challenges in life... life itself would be boring. It’s the challenges in life that makes us who we are. If you learn from your mistakes you will eventually succeed (Edison fail thousands of times, before he achieved success). Slow and steady wins the race, just like the hare and turtle.... turtle wins through persistence.


We are on same page @dukeung

dedication , patience and persistance ! all sure ways to success especially never give up ! I did not get a link to your post in my #popcontest post so im not sure if this is a entry or not or if you upped the contest post , you didnt mention in your post it was a entry so im just not sure ! Great post anyways , thanks for useing the Tag !!💕✌👍😀

Its was an entry, i thought using the tag means am in.
Didn't know i have to mention it in my post. This is my first time of entry an form of contest. What can i do to make it right. Thanks @karenmckersie

no you dont ! im just saying that a lot of people use the popcontest tag that have all ready entered the contest and only their first entry counts or they use the popcontest tag and dont actually enter the contest , this is why i ask in my rules for them to add a link in the contest post. comments section saying "heres a link to my entry" So that i know in fact that it is an entry otherwise how am i supposed to know !? when i get 25 or 30 entries plus a lot more posts that are not entries , also my guest judge doesnt know , this is why its in the rules , also i know you entered sooner because its in my replies and shows up right away so i can then upvote and resteem your post sooner ! thanks , no worries now that i know its an actual entry !😊😀

Your post has been upped and resteemed , thanks for entering !🙋


yes .. yes ,, nice picture is in accordance with the light ..


Just keep swimming!!
#dolphinschool has taught me this very thing!!!!!
