There is no Starting or Beginning. ONLY DOING!

in #popcontest7 years ago

Of all the hundred wishes and numerous plans for your furture if you do not initiate to make it happen you are just a foolish dreamer. There are only two types of people living in this planet - the wise and the fool. Foolish people overthinks about their future and have never done anything to make it happen and they die wishing. Wise people initiate and acts before they even realize their plan and wishes for their future life. They are the kind of people who dedicate to their ideas and plans, they are the do-it-now people. They do not waste a good moment or a good opportunity.

  • Delaying Gratification

I learn the art of delaying gratification when I was still studying in College. That was the time that I was doing my research for my thesis in Philosphy. In our class I am the only one left behind due to many thesis proposals I made that was rejected by the panel. And when I finally have the approval of my thesis proposal my colleagues are already ahead of me and most of them are already half-way done of their research. And at that moment, I dont know where to start and how start my work. And one of the mentors in our school told me to just keep holding on my pen write whatever comes into my mind as an introduction of my research until I finally started my introduction and work my way up.

I have to double my time and even tripple them just to meet the deadline of the submission of our thesis because if I cannot make it, no graduation will gonna happen. It was one of the challenge where I learn something valuable in life. While most of my colleagues are celebrating the luxury of the time they got, playing basketball or soccer in our campus and me on the other side left alone in the Library working on for my research. Some of them teases me and entices me to play soccer because they know that soccer is my most favorite sport, I took the courage to decline and utilizes all my free time to do my reasearch.

Time pass by swiftly and teh day came we have to defend our thesis infront of the panel. While most of my colleagues are nervous to face the panel for the defense of their own research, I told myself that this is the day where I can reap the my hardwork and prove to myself that I am capable of doing it.

Luckily, I was able to present well my thesis to infront of my panel and I was so happy that I passed the challenge. I am even overwhelmed when the Admin released the top notchers of our class, I can't believe when I saw my name and my thesis title that got awarded as "Cum Laude". My jaw dropped in awe and suddenly a tears of joy gently roll down in my face. I was so happy that I made it despite the odds I've gone through. It fiinally pays off after all the hardwork! You see, if I have not delayed that moment of playing soccer instead of doing my research, I wouldn't be graduating in my academic journey.

Wise people learns to use time wisely because they know the value of it. They do not celebrate while they are still working for their dreams, they keep going and they are less distracted because their focus are already set towards the big thing that will happen in the end which is called SUCCESS! Wise people knows when and where to celebrate their moment of victory. They delay temporal pleasures for the greater celebration of success in the end. They know the art of winning and reaching out to their dreams. Winning starts with beginning and beginning starts with a single action.!

Only the fool procrastinate...

On the other side, foolish people procrastinate. They have a lot of excuses in life. They do not initiate and they waste their time. When you said something to them or offer something good and beneficial to them they will simply respond you with these lines;

"Later on, when I'm ready, I'll will do something about it.."
"It's not yet the right time for me, I'm not ready yet."
"Thank you, I think I can do that later after I become..."

These are the lines of those people who have a rotten principles in life. And to tell you honestly I've been with this kind of people and they are pulling the positive energy in you and they are not healthy to be with. I'm not saying don't be with this people but what I am trying to portray here is for you to see what kind of people are you. Where do you belong?

Listen ...

If you wait until you are ready you'll probably don't get there. Don't wait until you're ready to make big decissions or you'll never accomplish anything of what you could. The only thing that makes the wise people different is that they almost always makes decission before he's ready to move and do something.

JUST DO IT!!! Don't wait for it!

  • Photo Credits:

1st image

2nd image
(3rd image is my personally edited image)
4th image

Thank you so much for your time :) Keep safe and stay Positive Always!!!

"Always belive in yourself and Remember; You can do more than what you think YOU CAN!"

You're Friend,


Yes!! When did bodybuilding shows. You had to he patience. You had to follow the diet, the exercise routine and listen to your coach. You know the end result will be worth it but it takes time. This picture is 2 years apart. Lots of time and lots of patience

Ohh...Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts and inspirational story. I'm inspired with your comment @musclegirlfusion you are really an inspiring person.

Following you now... . Im interested to explore more of your inspiring thoughts and brilliant ideas in your blog. ;)

Thanks for dropping by... :) I really appreciate it!
Keep inspiring others and live life to the fullest.

Best regards,

Have a nice day my friend @iamwhatiamnot (44)in popcontest

Have a nice day to you as well @kissyou You got a nice username :)

Stay Healthy there and always be positive in life. Thank you for dropping by. :)

Thank you for sharing this @iamwhatiamnot! You are absolutely right about this. I agree with you.

Always believe in yourself and Remember; You can do more than what you think YOU CAN!"

Oh hi there @josephbuarao. I do hope you are doing well out there. Thank you so much for spending time on my article.

Keep safe. Stay positive and always be grateful in Life. I wish you all the best and May all your Dreams COME TRUE!

Best wishes,

Great positive post entry ! your so right about not waiting untill your ready ! "Just Do It !" Thanks for sharing your story in my #popcontest !upped and resteemed ! good luck 👍👍👍

AWESOME! Thank you so much @karenmckersie I really appreciate it. I do love to contribute something to help build a better society and share something in my own little way. I hope and pray that this positivity project will grow ever more and more motivational and inpiring life lines to help us builf a better world.

Together We can make things Happen!

Your friend,

Awethats awesome ! Your very welcome !😊✌💕👌

Everybody has to start somewhere!

Indeed right! :) thank you for sharing @twentyfourseven

WOW who does best in making motivational and inspiring messages??? Definitely You @iamwhatiamnot THis shouldn't just get a mention but a winning spot .. More power to you Creeesss RESTEEMED :)

Great original content @iamwhatiamnot Resteemed
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