Neutralizing Your Inner Adversaries– Develop The Art Of Yielding

in #positivity6 years ago


The biggest hindrance to success whether at work, in the home, or in our relationships, lies within ourselves. The most dangerous enemy in our quest to achieve a happier, healthier and mor vital lifestyle is the adversary within us.

“There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.”
– W. Clement Stone

It casts doubt on our worthiness to create a good lifestyle for ourselves and causes whatever is done to enhance harmony and balance in our space to get out of sync, making the changes less effective.

Breath And Relax

The secrete of making effective positive changes to your home is to do so with a relaxed mindset. Never allow your mind to cause you to doubt yourself. Be as relaxed as you can when you are in doubt, it takes deep concentration in your subconscious to neutralize your inner doubts with an attitude of strength and confidence.


"Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny."
~Mahatma Gandhi

Anger, jealousy, and other negative feelings are amongst the greatest cause of bad energy. It is beneficial to dissolve such harmful energy from your mind and body if you are to re-energize yourself effectively. Unhappiness in the air is the greatest killer of good energy.

Creating Space For Positivity

Negative thoughts or worries can be habit forming. Notice if you tend to dwell on problems and make a positive effort to take action to resolve situations rather than fret about them. Consider the people who arouse your negative emotions, and try to minimize their roles in your life. If you are self critical be kinder to yourself.


"It is important for you to focus on positive actions taken to heal instead of beating yourself up over what you did wrong each day. It shifts your perspective, thus making your body and mind more hospitable places for healing and positive energy."
~Sharon E. Rainey

In this way you are consciously dispelling the bad energy afflicting you. This also creates space for good energy to enter your life as negativity evaporates from the aura that surrounds you. A happy heart most often enjoys a good and positive energy.